Serena Williams ‘almost died’ after giving birth; she learns about her second child and keeps it a secret from her daughter with her husband.

Olympia was born four years ago to Serena Williams and her husband, Alexis Ohanian. After informing their daughter, they are growing their family once more and sharing the news with fans.

The family is excited about this pregnancy, but they have had some traumatic pregnancy and birth experiences. After giving birth to her daughter, Olympia, Williams nearly died.

Williams shared on YouTube last week how her daughter responded when she told her she was pregnant. She stated at the start of the video that her child had commented on her weight when she was unaware that she was pregnant.

Williams made light of the situation, saying she made an effort not to take it too seriously by concentrating on her fitness. Williams made her pregnancy announcement at the MET Gala in 2023, and the YouTube video showed her getting ready for the event.

Williams proudly displayed her baby belly at the MET Gala, where Ohanian and Williams afterwards prepared. Williams’ second pregnancy has been eagerly anticipated after she almost died giving birth to Olympia, her first child.

Williams hid her pregnancy for what reason?

Ohanian and Williams spent a long time hiding the existence of their second child from everyone, including their daughter, age 4. They recently discussed the reasons behind their choice.

Williams said she planned to inform Olympia of her mother’s pregnancy just before the MET Gala because Olympia was unaware of it. She later affirmed:

“She can’t keep a secret, so that’s why I haven’t told her,” he said.

Williams wore a specially designed Gucci outfit to announce her pregnancy when she was finally ready. Williams expressed excitement at the idea of telling everyone she was expecting a second child at such a significant event.

She explained that it was significant to her because she would one day wear this outfit to introduce her newborn child to the world and tell them that it was what she had on the night she announced her pregnancy.

The News: How Did Olympia React?

Williams did it right before she started getting ready for the MET Gala because she knew she wanted to inform her daughter first before telling the rest of the world. She did it with Ohanian, and the entire family celebrated the happy event together.

Williams asked her daughter if she had been praying for a younger sibling as Ohanian and Williams sat on a sofa with their daughter in between them. Olympia modestly acknowledged that she had.

After visiting the doctor, Williams informed her daughter that she was not gaining weight. She was actually carrying Olympia’s younger sibling. Olympia asked her mother, who was beaming,:

Olympia leaped from her seat and into her mother’s arms for an embrace when Williams and Ohanian both affirmed they weren’t joking. After that, Olympia was shown by Williams her belly, to which the young child reacted by bouncing up and running around the room.

Olympia was then cautioned by Ohanian to keep it a secret for one more day before letting everyone know that she will be a big sister at the end of the day. He also informed her that once the baby was born, she would need to assist them.

Williams then put on a special Gucci costume and accessorized with numerous pearl necklaces. She said she thought it went well and that it was fun since she wanted the moment she revealed she was pregnant to be remembered forever.

While the pregnancy is good news for the family, Williams expressed hope that things would continue to go smoothly in the beginning of her video when she revealed a positive pregnancy test because she had a bad experience in the past.

What occurred when Williams gave birth to her first child?

Williams wrote about her experience with pregnancy and labor in 2018, just after Olympia was born. Williams stated at the beginning of the essay:

“After giving birth to my daughter Olympia, I nearly passed away.”

Williams acknowledged that she had a difficult time after the birth of her baby but that she was ultimately healthy and that she was grateful for everything that had happened to her.

During contractions after Williams went into labor, Olympia’s heart rate slowed down. Williams’ delivery of her daughter will require a C-section, according to the doctors. Williams, though, was not in a secure place.

The family was ecstatic when the former tennis pro announced that her kid had been born healthy, but 24 hours later, their life was upended for six straight days. Williams, who has a history of pulmonary emboli, said that she always worried about the possibility. One followed the birth of Olympia for her.

When Williams started having trouble breathing, she knew she had to call for help. She experienced numerous further health issues after that. Her c-section wound opening due to her severe coughing was the first health worry.

She had to go back into surgery because her incision had opened, and there, doctors discovered an abdominal hematoma. She subsequently underwent another surgery so that a procedure could be done to stop blood clots from reaching her lungs.

Williams claimed that she spent her first six weeks as a mother in bed recuperating from the various health issues and operations she had undergone before she was finally permitted to return home to her family.

The former tennis pro expressed her gratitude for all the support she received and stated that she would not be able to care for her baby today without the assistance of the medical personnel and their cutting-edge technology.

She then fought for women all across the world to get the same kind of assistance she did when she needed it most. Ohanian and Williams have our best wishes for a healthy pregnancy and joyful delivery!