Remember Paul Hogan from “Crocodile Dundee”?

The Australian performer, who is best known for playing the series’ explorer Mike Dundee, has struggled with a variety of crippling health issues, including a benign growth on his kidneys. 83-year-old Paul Hogan has also said that he is too frail to even open a jar.

Retroperitoneal fibrosis, which causes the growth to encircle the abdominal aorta and press on his kidney, was identified as the cause of his condition.

The seasoned actor described the ailment in an interview with Tracy Grimshaw, host of A Current Affair, saying he had “lost all of his body fat.”

The actor claimed that the terrible effects on his health made him yearn to leave the $3.5 million Venice Beach property he lives with his son Chance, 24, and go back to Australia.

I’ve been doing better, Paul said. “The procedure corrected the renal problem on the aorta, but it made me smaller.”

He went on: “I just… I got rid of all my body fat, my muscles shrank, and my strength returned because it had made me weak. I ask Chance to help me open jars.

Added him: “Many of my diet-conscious pals despise me because I try to eat anything fatty and lardous you can imagine. all things they are not permitted to possess. I am unable to gain weight.”

Paul claimed that corticosteroids were prescribed to reduce the growth, and he is currently attempting to regain his strength.

They’re meant to make you fat and decrease your muscles, yet I kept becoming leaner and leaner, he said.

“Since having no body fat makes you feel the cold too much, I’m now trying to gain a little weight.

The Crocodile Dundee actor is currently wearing a pacemaker and claims he is “being held together by string” while he works to regain his health.

Paul claimed that up to the age of 79, he was “still fit” and in good health, but that after that point, “things start to go apart.”

As he has grown “bored” of Los Angeles, the actor stated he now aspires to return to Australia and would be “happier” to live in Sydney.

The Australian actor and comedian said in the past that he would not abandon his adult son, a US-born child.

The Daily Telegraph quoted Paul as saying in October, “The only family [Chance has] is me.

According to the Australian superstar, Chance’s grandparents and all of his other close relations have passed away.

Together with his Crocodile co-star and ex-wife Linda Kozlowski, Paul has a kid.

All of his pals, bandmates, musical friends, girlfriends, and other close friends are Americans, he said.

“He alone has me, whereas my tribe back home has each other,” the speaker said.

From his first marriage to Noelene Edwards, the actor also had five other children.

The famous actor who amassed millions of dollars from the box office successes Crocodile Dundee (1986) and Crocodile Dundee II (1988) announced that he will pay a visit to Australia before Christmas.