Nicole Kidman worries her fans after suffering so many injuries

Nicole Kidman, who stars in the Netflix series Big Little Lies, is widely regarded as one of the most talented actresses working in the industry today.

Due to a large number of injuries that Nicole, who was 34 years old at the time, sustained while starring in Moulin Rouge in 2001, fans have claimed that she suffers from osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones more prone to breaking.

Nicole recounted in 2014, while speaking to Yahoo! that she had broken her ribs and torn up her knee. After having her waist reduced to 18 inches with the use of a corset, she also suffered another broken rib.

When rumors were circulating that Nicole’s several bones breaks resulted from osteoporosis, it was claimed that she was undergoing testing to verify if she had the disease, which Nicole categorically denied.

According to a story from the Daily Mail, the subject stated, “apparently I’m getting tests in hospital, but I laughed because no one told me.” She said, “I haven’t had any testing for anything.”

Since then, Nicole has been open and honest about the toll her jobs, physically and mentally, impose on her.

While filming The Undoing, Nicole admitted that she had been struggling with her mental health. She explained: “During the middle of production, I unexpectedly fell ill with a serious illness. I believe that this is a significant issue that can occur to actors. Because your immune system doesn’t differentiate between acting and the truth when doing those [depleting parts], I got sick for a week and had to take time off work.”

“I get home but don’t sleep well, and I’m not feeling very good overall. That is how unsettling it is for me “Nicole spoke about the sacrifices she makes to embrace her roles fully.

The actress suffered a physical setback in 2022 when she tore her hamstring while filming the Amazon Prime Expats.

According to Variety, an old ailment resurfaced, prompting the star’s doctor to advise her to rest up and skip the annual Oscar nominees luncheon. This was because the condition had flared up.