Why Donald Trump Prefers His Academic Records Stay Hidden

Donald Trump has been known to threaten legal action to keep his academic history private, a move that raises quite a few eyebrows. Back in 2019, during his presidency, Trump took an unusual step by instructing his lawyer to issue stern warnings to the institutions he attended. The message, delivered with a legal tone, was clear: don’t let my academic records see the light of day, or else it could mean jail time for you.

Since then, Trump’s achievements—or lack thereof—from his school days have been well-guarded secrets. This legal barrier seems impenetrable, leaving many to wonder what secrets those records hold.

What did Trump instruct?

Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, unveiled that Trump’s educational records have been under this lock-and-key status for at least six years. Cohen revealed to Congress in his testimony how he had to write these pointed letters on Trump’s behalf. One of these letters was aimed at Fordham University, where Trump started his college years before moving to the University of Pennsylvania to wrap up his degree.

Consistently, even Trump’s high school received a similar message. While the University of Pennsylvania and the College Board kept their silence in the face of such letters, these actions from Trump seemed unnecessary given existing legal protections.

The United States has long had laws in place, namely the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, forbidding the release of educational records without the student’s consent. Yet, leaks happen, especially concerning a figure as high-profile as Trump. Being careful might just be his strategy, considering the rumors already circulating about his academic past.

A Look at Obama’s Academic Journey

Trump has not shied away from mocking Barack Obama, speculating on his education credentials. The irony is, both men shared a similar path: each spent two years at less competitive schools before transferring to prestigious Ivy League institutions – Wharton for Trump and Columbia for Obama – to complete their bachelor’s degrees.

No awards for graduation honors for either leader, but Obama did go further, graduating magna cum laude from Harvard Law School, a claim Trump cannot match. Over the years, Trump questioned how Obama entered an Ivy League institution, while many believe that Trump’s own father’s influence might have paved his way into Pennsylvania.

The Truth About ‘First in Class’ Claims

Trump has often bragged about being ‘first in his class’ at Wharton. However, his records tell a different story as he didn’t graduate with honors. At Wharton, honors are based on the GPA, which must be at least 3.40. Trump’s academic performance fell short of this mark, disproving his claim of topping the class.

This embellishment might not raise eyebrows if it weren’t for Trump’s critiques of Obama’s GPA, a figure he likely never knew. Thus, the secrecy surrounding Trump’s grades isn’t just about privacy; it feeds into a narrative consistent with his public persona.