Our thoughts and prayers are with the beloved actor Woody Harrelson

Fans have adored Woody Harrelson ever since he made an appearance in the NBC sitcom Cheers. Since then, he has received multiple acting awards and, most recently, opened a cannabis dispensary in West Hollywood. The actor has also made a point of discussing his strict eating habits, which he started after learning he was lactose intolerant as a young actor.

In the past, Harrelson—whose most well-known performances include Marty Hart in True Detective and Bill Willoughby in the smash 2017 film Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri—has been hailed as a “vegan hero” for advocating the particular diet in search of more vitality. In addition to eating a vegan diet, Harrelson has been quoted as noting that diet is important.

He also consumes a lot of raw foods, which are foods that have not been cooked. “Food that has not been refined, canned, chemically processed, or heated above 48C is considered to be raw food.” The actor has also dug into his background, admitting that his lactose intolerance diagnosis was what ultimately led him to give up dairy and meat for good.

Harrelson experienced a runny nose and severe acne as a young actor in New York. The singer, who had endured the conditions for years, had dismissed them as the result of adolescence and hormonal fluctuations.

It wasn’t until a woman on the same bus as he suggested that he might be lactose intolerant that his bothersome and persistent symptoms had a possible explanation.

Harrelson has claimed, “I was on a bus and some female sees me blowing my nose.”

“I had been dealing with acne on my face for years and years. Hey, you’re lactose intolerant, she says. All of the symptoms you get will disappear in three days if you stop eating dairy.

“I was around 24. And I thought, “No way!”

To his surprise, his mucus-filled nose and itchy skin “went” within “three days” after he stopped consuming dairy products.

Since that pivotal moment in his life, the actor has sworn to put his health first, challenging “old wives’ stories” about what is and isn’t good for your health.

“So I got to thinking, Jeez, I’ve always been told nothing but ‘Milk does a body good,’” he added. It’s a basic concept.

The question that followed was, “What else are they lying about?” I recently became aware that so many of the things we were taught to believe were either lies or deceptive advertising.

In a different interview, where he seems to be promoting the value of eating healthfully and avoiding fast food, Harrelson brings up his astonishing health improvement once more, saying: “All the improvements that happened to me are all related to energy.

“I understand why celebs are health freaks. You can’t play a leading man if you have acne and are overweight, right? I got into all of this in part because of my acne!

“I used to have awful acne on my face, which was red and discolored in blotches. I was continually blowing my nose because of mucous. Then one day, this woman announces to me as she is seated next to me on a bus, “You’re lactose-intolerant.” In three days, everything was resolved. My life was altered by that. Doctors were unable to diagnose it.

Doctors were perplexed when symptoms like those experienced by actor Woody Harrelson disappeared in such a short period of time, but the NHS notes that people who are lactose intolerant can regulate their symptoms by simply changing their diet.

The body’s inability to digest lactose, a form of sugar primarily present in milk and dairy products, is what causes the widespread stomach issue. Symptoms that are uncomfortable and perhaps embarrassing usually appear a few hours after consuming lactose-containing food or beverage.

These signs and symptoms, which might vary in severity depending on the person, include:

A bloated stomach discomfort in the stomach
Belly rumbling
I feel ill.

The NHS does not relate acne to lactose intolerance, but Dr. Zenovia, a dermatologist who specializes in hormonal issues, says that a diet high in sugar has been linked to acne.

Since milk contains a lot of sugar, consuming too much sugar can irritate and cause inflammation, which can result in acne outbreaks. Acne flare-ups are more specifically correlated with elevated levels of IGF-19 (insulin-like growth factor 1).

People are urged to try cutting off all dairy-containing foods from their diets for at least a month in order to determine whether dairy products are having an impact on their complexion, just like Harrelson did. The above-mentioned, more widespread symptoms should also lessen as a result.

According to the NHS, dairy products provide a good source of calcium, protein, and vitamins A, B12, and D, all of which are necessary for the growth of strong, healthy bones. This means that people may find it challenging to consume the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals if they fully give up dairy.

Individuals may have unhealthful weight reduction as a result of this, which increases their chance of contracting the following diseases:

If osteoporosis is not treated, osteopenia, which is characterized by extremely low bone mineral density, might progress.

Osteoporosis causes your bones to deteriorate and become brittle, increasing your chance of breaking a bone.

Malnutrition is a condition in which your body lacks the nutrients it needs to function properly. As a result, your wounds may take longer to heal and you may experience fatigue or depression.

The NHS suggests meeting with a qualified dietitian who can offer advice on your diet and determine whether you might need food supplements if you’re worried about this.