Jamie Foxx’s Daughter Corinne Recalls Years of ‘Terrifying’ Pain Before Endometriosis Diagnosis

“I learned that no one’s going to fight for my health more than me,” Corinne Foxx, 28, said after her endometriosis symptoms were dismissed by multiple doctors

Corinne Foxx — the oldest daughter of Jamie Foxx — is opening up about spending several years in pain before finally being diagnosed with endometriosis.

The 28-year-old recently spoke to Today about experiencing intense pain, nausea, chronic fatigue and bladder discomfort during every single menstrual cycle. However, she assumed they were normal symptoms of a period. It wasn’t until her roommate found her curled up on the bathroom floor due to the pain that Foxx realized she needed to see a doctor.

“I had a roommate tell me, ‘Corinne, this is not normal,’” she told the outlet. “That was the moment for me where it just changed the trajectory of my life. And then I went on this journey to start figuring out, ‘Well, if it’s not normal, then what is it?’”

Foxx recalled visiting about six doctors who often dismissed her symptoms. She said she was even told several different possible conditions, including hormone imbalances and bladder cancer. However, with the severity of her pain, she continued to advocate for herself.

“It was really a terrifying process and a frustrating process,” Fox explained. “There’s a lot of medical gaslighting that goes into this journey. I think women of color, especially, are often silenced or not believed when they come in with symptoms.”

“You just have to keep showing up for yourself. I learned that no one’s going to fight for my health more than me,” she continued. “That really empowered me in the long run despite being discouraged.”

Foxx finally found a doctor who was immediately able to determine the cause of her symptoms, diagnosing her with stage 4 endometriosis, the reproductive condition in which uterine tissue grows outside of the uterus, causing cramping and chronic pain. According to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Office on Women’s Health, the condition affects more than 11% of women between ages 15 and 44.

“I look back at that period of my life, and as difficult as it was, it was super empowering because I had to trust myself. I had to listen to my gut, literally,” Foxx recalled. ” I came out stronger.”

“I did my own research and learned about the disease and learned about the right surgery that I needed,” she added. “Then I got a specialist, Dr. Iris Orbuch, who ended up doing my surgery and ended up elevating so much of the disease for me.”

Foxx had a successful surgery with Orbuch in October 2018, telling Today that she’s “feeling so much better” without her painful symptoms.

“The surgery I got changed my life,” she admitted. “I’m in semi-pain free — endo has a mind of its own sometimes and some days aren’t the best — but for the most part, I’ve done so much better and it’s such a privilege.”

Following her endometriosis journey, Foxx produced a documentary aimed at raising awareness about the condition.

In October 2022, the executive producer posted a video on instagram featuring old photos of herself in the hospital while battling endometriosis alongside photos of her at the premiere for the film.

The documentary follows several women suffering from the condition in hopes of highlighting the lack of support and education surrounding endometriosis and women’s reproductive health.

Corinne joins a list of celebrities who have talked openly about their experiences with endometriosis. Bindi Irwin, Lena Dunham, Halsey, Julianne Hough, Amy Schumer and Padma Lakshmi have also shared their struggles in the past.