If You Have The Half Moon Shape On Your Nails, This Is What It Means.

Look at your fingernails, did you notice a white half-moon shape that starts at your nail beds? In fact, it is a very important part of the nail. That little area is called the “lunula,” Latin for “little moon.” and it’s more than just a built-in design element — it actually says a lot about your health.

In traditional Chinese medicine, lunula is viewed as a barometer of one’s health. The condition of the lunula really is an indication of your health. When your health declines, it is manifested in changes to the lunula, or the disappearance of it altogether. And when your health is restored, your lunula returns to its original condition.

What does it say about someone’s health — both the lack of it or the presence of it?

According to medical experts, having 8 to 10 milky white lunulas on both hands means that everything is alright with your health. Whiter the Lunula, the stronger the health.

The less Lunulae a person has, the lower the energy, overall health and immunity. If you have Lunulae on the thumbs only, you lack physical energy and you may get sick easily.

One study has shown that missing fingernail moons are associated with various systemic disorders including issues with your thyroid or pituitary gland, iron deficiency, chronic renal failure, depression and possible B-12 deficiency. Have your iodine and Vitamin B-12 levels checked. Have your thyroid function and blood pressure checked.

To sum up, the lunula is considered a sign of how healthy you are. Therefore, any change should be taken seriously and get checked.