Actor Gary Graham, renowned for his memorable portrayal in the TV series and TV movies “Alien Nation,” passed away suddenly due to cardiac arrest, confirmed by his wife, Becky Graham. The Hollywood Reporter received the sorrowful news from Becky, stating that Gary breathed his last on Monday, January 22, 2024, at a hospital in Spokane, Washington.
Gary and Becky had shared 25 years of marriage, marking her as his fourth wife. The news of Gary’s demise reverberated through social media, as his first wife, Susan Lavelle, took to Facebook to honor her ex-husband’s memory. Susan’s heartfelt tribute included multiple photos of Gary, describing him as possessing a “funny, sarcastic sense of humor but kind, fought for what he believed in, a devout Christian, and was so proud of his daughter, Haylee.”
Expressing concern for Haylee’s well-being amidst her grief, Susan requested prayers for her daughter’s journey through loss. Gary, born in Long Beach, California, in 1950, initially pursued a pre-medical course at the University of California before transitioning to acting, ultimately establishing himself in Hollywood.
Gary’s pivotal role in “Alien Nation,” where he portrayed detective Matthew Sikes, garnered him widespread acclaim. Beyond the TV series, he reprised the character in five TV movies, including “Alien Nation: Dark Horizon,” “Alien Nation: Body and Soul,” “Alien Nation: Millennium,” “Alien Nation: The Enemy Within,” and “Alien Nation: The Udara Legacy.”
In addition to Becky and Susan, Gary had been previously married to Caren Leslie Williams and Diane Patricia Vaughan. Notably, his union with Becky was the only one that endured without ending in divorce. Gary leaves behind his wife, daughter, and two sisters, Colleen and Jeannine, to cherish his memory.
Gary’s extensive career spanned over 100 projects, as documented by IMDb, with three projects currently in post-production. As the entertainment industry mourns his loss, Gary’s legacy as a versatile and talented actor continues to resonate with audiences worldwide.