Artist Creates Body Positive ‘Roll Tattoos’ That Celebrate Fat Bodies Just As They Are

Artist found a way to highlight one of the most overlooked parts of our bodies when it comes to Carrie Metz-Caporusso tattoos. They noticed that many of the tattoo trends that we see on Pinterest and other social media platforms underrepresent the diversity of bodies that actually exist in the world.

“I have been tattooing professionally for eight years and in that time I noticed that tattoo designs that were made to compliment someone’s body were always for thin or muscular body types,” Metz-Caporusso told Allure in an interview . “Never have I seen anyone come up with anything, particularly for fat bodies.”

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

To help fight the lack of images of great tattoos on fat bodies, the Michigan-based artist developed what they call “roll tattoos.” These designs are mostly intricate botanical motifs that beautifully bloom and extend from the creases of body rolls.

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

“I think getting something beautiful tattooed on you regardless of if it’s on a roll or not can help you feel like you’re in control of your body,” the artist explained to Allure . “I’m hoping someday this type of tattoo will be as benign as getting an ankle tattoo and that being fat can be seen as a neutral thing, neither good nor bad.”

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

According to Metz-Caporusso, these tattoos “highlight something that society said we should be ashamed of, drawing more attention to it, not disguising it,” but they want the tattoos to do more than just foster body positivity. The artist’s aim is for fat acceptance.

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

“I’m here to challenge the thought of ‘what if they lose weight,’” Metz-Caporusso told the outlet. “I want fat people to not be looked at as something that needs to be changed or fixed. I want fat people to not have to be in a constant state of wanting to lose weight to be considered worthy. I want fat people to know fatness is not a failure. I want fat people to view their bodies as bodies nothing more or less.”

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

Each of these breathtaking designs is custom-made for the client’s specific body. The tattooing process is already much different than a typical tattoo shop visit, but the artist is sure to use body-neutral language throughout and always request consent before moving forward with any step of the process.

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

“The client must feel in control of what’s going on with their body,” Metz-Caporusso said of her approach.

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

Whether or not your tattoo aficionado, it’s undeniable that these “roll tattoos” are a work of art a form of collaboration that can result in more acceptance. We think this artist is really onto something and we’d like to share more of their work as well as some other artist who have adopted Metz-Caporusso’s technique.

After Completing One of Their First ‘Roll Tattoos’ the Artist Had This to Say…

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

“This is honestly the proudest moment of my career so far,” the artist captioned their first “roll tattoo” design on Instagram. “I was so nervous when I proposed these concepts, but the response was overwhelmingly positive. Thank you for helping me challenge the constant pursuit of weight-loss fat folks must be active in to be deemed worthy and to loving ourselves as we are. Thank you for always allowing me to be my most authentic self.”

Possibilities Beyond Botanicals

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

“I used this line on the body as the edge of a lake, to remind my client of home,” Metz-Caporusso captioned this image. The lines that form the lake beautifully reflect the natural curves of the body here. Tattoo artists have long used the natural lines of the body to inform their designs but no artist has ever done so quite like this.

Making a Splash

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

“You’re a force of nature baby!” the artist said of this design. We must agree. These waves create so much movement that draw the eye from the body’s natural creases, up, and then crashing back down onto the roll. What a stunner!

The Frond

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

Wow. This from that begins deep in a crease and gently curves upward to mimic the shape of a roll. Notice how delicately the artist’s touch is here with a very steady, fine line that really makes the overall design breathtaking.


Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

The artist often shares the images of their tattoos on Instagram with rousing and uplifting hashtags. The beautiful example above was shared with such tags as #fatliberation, #effyourbeautystandards, #healthateverysize, and #riotsnotdiets. Is it just us or are you really into what this artist is serving?

On What Informs This Artist’s Worldview

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

“Everything I’ve learned about fat liberation has come from fat Black and Brown women, non-binary, GNC, and trans folks,” the artist captured this image. “Yes this is my concept and I was inspired by hearing my clients wishing they could get tattooed if only they were thinner, but without their framework and working on my own fatphobia, I would have never come up with it in the first place.”

Building Community Through Tattoos

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

“The best days at the shop for me is when everyone gets to sit around share a meal and shoot the breeze,” the artist shared alongside this image. “Building community and making friends is the absolute best part of tattooing!”

Botanical Tattoos With a Little Something Extra

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

This is one of our favorite roll tattoos from the Metz-Caporusso. It combines two of our favorite tattoo subject matters: flowers and celestial bodies. We find a sun emerging from one bloom and a moon from another. There are even little stars worked into the leaves on the tattoo to the right!

Tattoos Are a Conversation

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

For these back tattoos, the artist explained that they were inspired by a sentence this client passed to them. “I love the idea of ivy growing like I’m an old brick wall,” the client told them. “I couldn’t have loved that visual more,” the artist said. We must agree. This is amazing!


Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

Aren’t these roll tattoos magical? We have a soft spot for daffodils so we just had to share this example with you. The blooms are stunning but it is the way the leaves have been applied that really has us swooning. What a dream tattoo!

Enchanting Balance

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

In this example, we find a palm-like motif that feels so harmonious and balanced. The leaves converge over a light grey sun or moon shape. This artist really knows how to create movement and harmony like no other.

Living for This Lavander

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

These lavender flower tattoos perfectly fit the shape of this person’s body. The tattoos draw the eye up to the center of the back. The delicate curve of these designs really feels romantic and undeniably gorgeous.

Brilliant Orchid Roll Tattoos

Carrie Metz-Caporusso / Instagram

Who else goes gaga for orchids? We think they make excellent inspiration for these stunning roll tattoos. We are talking about some serious romance here with delicate petals that really look soft and enchanting.

There you go! What did you think of these roll tattoos? We hope you found them as liberating, beautiful, inventive, and innovative as we did. The best art starts a conversation and asks us to surrender our preconceived notions to explore truths, emotions, and reactions that we might never have unearthed before. These roll tattoos do all those things and more. Carrie Metz-Caporusso is a genius in our book.

If you enjoyed these tattoos, perhaps you would like to continue on an ink journey with us. Next up, we’re discussing goddess tattoos.

Now, It’s Time to Enjoy Some Magical and Empowering Goddess Tattoos!


Selene is the goddess of the moon in Greek mythology. We find her hear with some beautiful attributes that include a crescent moon crown, a torch, and plenty of drama.

Forest Goddess

The person who shared this image referred to this sleeve as a “forest goddess.” It’s one of the goddess tattoos that did not reference a particular deity but instead is more centered on a concept. It did bring to mind the Celtic goddess Danu who is considered the spiritual essence of nature.


In the Greek myth of Persephone’s capture by Hades, god of the underworld, the pomegranate symbolizes life, regeneration, and marriage. By eating a few pomegranate seeds, Persephone tied herself to Hades. The pomegranate in the story represents the totality of marriage. You will often find Persephone goddess tattoos with pomegranate imagery.

Persephone Part II

Here’s another take on Persephone that is very stylish with a balance of black and maroon inks. Notice how some of the lines are thicker than others? It helps bring this goddess tattoo tons of visual interest.


We find a goddess tattoo in the form of a bust in this design. The likeness of Diana, the Roman goddess of the hunt and wild animals, looks beautiful in this elegant tattoo.


The daughter of Re, the sun god, Bastet was an ancient deity whose ferocious nature was ameliorated after the domestication of the cat around 1500 BCE. The cat goddess lives on in the hearts and imaginations of many who understand just how special our cat friends are.


Athena is the Olympian goddess of wisdom and war and the beloved patron of the city of Athens. We find her tattooed here with such care and detail. The cloth that encircles her is absolutely stunning.

Athena Part II

Here’s another goddess tattoo of Athena. This time she’s found with her mythical shield with the image of a Gorgon on it. The fading effect here looks extremely fresh. You might like something similar for your own tattoo.


Hecate is the goddess of witchcraft, the household, and crossroads. In later depictions, Hecate can be found as a trio, a reference to her as the “three ways” or crossroads. That’s what we find in the above tattoo.


Known as the goddess of mirth, Baubo is depicted as risqué and sexually liberated and is said to have taunted Demeter when that deity was mourning the loss of her daughter, Persephone. Little statuettes have been unearthed and many look like the above goddess tattoo.


Kali is a Hindu goddess, who is thought to be the Master of death, change, and time. She is also believed to be the Parvati, that is the supreme of all powers or the ultimate reality. As with this tattoo, Kali is often depicted with a lolling tongue.


Great mother Isis, the goddess of magic and healing, was crucial to ancient Egyptian religious beliefs. She was worshipped throughout the ancient Greco-Roman world. She plays a pivotal part in the Osiris myth as a character who resurrects Osiris, who is both her brother and husband.

Medusa & Artemis

We find two separate goddess tattoos here. One is of Medusa and the other is of Artemis. Both have been completed in the same style and look fantastic next to one another.


Gaia is the earth mother goddess worshipped by the Ancient Greeks. Here, we find her in a contemporary depiction, holding the planet earth.


Sekhmet is an Egyptian goddess of war and the destroyer of the sun god Re’s enemies. We find her beautifully tattooed here with a gorgeous, golden background element that really makes her pop.

Ram Goddess

This is another one of the goddess tattoos that is less about a single mythological figure and is, instead, about a concept. We find a beautiful portrait of a woman with the horns of a ram. This would make a perfect tattoo for an Aries.


“Nehelennia, goddess of the sea and safe return of sailors, goddess of fertility,” the person who shared this image wrote of the Germanic goddess. “There is little known about her, however, her statues can be found in Zeeland, the Netherlands and there are a handful of Roman reliëfs.”

Adi Shakti

Adi Shakti or also known as Adi Parashakti is the supreme goddess in Sanatan Dharma. The phrase “Adi Parashakti” means the “first supreme energy.” Here, she is tattooed with such care with impeccably fine details.


Lady Justice was called Justitia or Iustitia by the Ancient Romans. Back in the day, Justitia became the personification of the virtue of justice. We find her tattooed here with excellent, ornamental elements that make this goddess tattoo a real standout.

Justitia Part II

Here she is again, this time in an elegant black and grey design. This tattoo is remarkable for several reasons but the thing that stands out the most is the restraint from the artist. The entire design is so delicate and light.


A pagan goddess of pre-Christian Ireland, Brigid is associated with wisdom, poetry, healing, protection, blacksmithing, and domesticated animals. This stunning tattoo brings to mind paintings of the Pre–Raphaelites .

A Nymph

Greco-Roman mythologies were full of stories of nymphs. They are often regarded as personifications of nature and in this tattoo, you find natural elements being the main draw. It’s a unique perspective and a very cool design.


Sappho was an Archaic Greek poet from Eresos on the island of Lesbos. Sappho is known for her lyric poetry, written to be sung while accompanied by music. She is widely considered one of, if not the, most celebrated poets in Ancient Greece. In contemporary times, Sappho has been celebrated as a feminist icon and a gay hero .


A preeminent deity in Norse mythology, Freya is considered the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and magic. This absolutely breathtaking half-sleeve portrait is one of the best goddess tattoos on this list.


Eris is the goddess and personification of strife and discord. She is associated with the Greek concept of the “ Golden Apple of Discord ” which she tossed during a feast that is described as The Judgement of Paris .

There you have it! We hope you feel inspired by these excellent goddess tattoo ideas and you have plenty of ideas for your own unique ink. There’s no right way or wrong way to celebrate your goddess. Just make sure she harnesses the power of your self-expression.