Because Their Daughter Was Born With A Huge Birthmark On Her Face, The Parents Hid The Baby, Until She Had An Operation To Remove It

Mother of the little Vienna Brookshaw, Celine Casey had opened up with her daughters journey. Vienna was born in 2021, to her parents, Casey and Brookshaw.

After her birth, her parents got shocked with her huge birthmark on her forehead. But it was only a visual problem for them. There were no health issues related to the birthmark.

Her condition is a rare one, named, congenital melanocytic nevus, that only 20,000 babies were born with.

Her mother Casey said, “We love seeing her grow on her journey, and we can’t wait for the day that she does grow up and can speak for herself so we can hear her opinion, we’d love her no matter what, even if we did keep the birthmark.”

For the surgery, the parents needed money, and attemted to start a fundraiser for it, but their attempts, were declined by NHS.

Because it was a cosmetic surgery and not health threatning one, the NHS, declined their support for the surgery.

After the events, the parents had started a GoFundMe page for the medical bills. And in a span of day, they had got $52,000 worth of donations, but they needed $27,000 more to accomplish their goal.

“Everybody has things they’re insecure about on their body, and the doctor said he’d respect that, but with Vienna, it wasn’t going to affect her mental health right now. But we didn’t see it as that, she’s going to start school when she’s three, and younger kids are so smart, they point out stuff like that.” They stated after they found the money they needed, again from GoFundMe.

And now, the babygirl had freed herself from that birthmark, and her mother, Casey is sharing updates from her life.

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