Beloved actress Jessica Lange confirms what we all suspected

Jessica Lange, a multiple Emmy Award-winning actress, is known for playing tense characters with perilous pasts. She plays one of these in the psychological suspense film Cape Fear, which will screen tonight on BBC One. Lange, who tackles these complicated subjects on screen, has struggled off-screen as well; she has previously disclosed that she has depression.

The 73-year-old actress is well-known in her field for becoming the 13th to capture the Triple Crown of Acting by receiving an Academy Award, an Emmy Award, and a Tony Award over her career. But outside of acting, Lange spoke up about her own “evil side” in 2016, saying it influences every role she plays “hugely.” Because of this, on occasion, it has had a negative impact on the celebrity’s mental health, with depression leading to some concerning signs, particularly before the actress had her own family.

Lange discussed her mental health in a flashback interview while receiving her Oscar nomination for Blue Sky, in which she portrayed a housewife with bipolar disorder. Before the birth of her children, she said that “bouts of depression” occasionally prevented her from getting out of bed.

She said, “When my family arrived, I felt linked to life for the first time, and the restlessness that had tormented me since I was a young girl suddenly vanished.

“I used to experience significant depressive episodes; I say this despite not experiencing severe depressive symptoms in some time, and it’s possible that I still do.

“When I was living alone, I could stay in bed for a week at a time without leaving, but when you have kids, you can’t allow yourself to stay too long in those pits.

Despite this, “my dark side continues to play a significant role in whatever capacity I have to be creative – that’s the well I’m able to tap into where all the misery, wrath and despair are housed,” the author said.

The actress continued by saying that she had and still has “tremendous mood swings,” which could have an impact on her day-to-day activities.

Lange experiences mental health problems including depression, just like many other people all throughout the world. In reality, early in 2021, the Officer for National Statistics (ONS) discovered that about one in five (21%), adults suffered from depression of some kind (27 January to 7 March). This is a growth since November 2020. (19 percent).

Additionally, it was noted that women and younger adults were more likely to suffer from depression in some capacity, with 43 percent of people between the ages of 16 and 29 reporting depressed symptoms.

Perhaps even more disturbingly, researchers from University College London (UCL) discovered that the COVID-19 epidemic contributed to the clinical depression of an additional 60,000 secondary school students in England.

Depression symptoms can differ from person to person. This is due to the fact that various forms of depression arise in various situations. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), various depression illnesses can include the following:

A depressed state that persists for at least two years is referred to as persistent depressive disorder (also known as dysthymia). Major depressive episodes may coexist with less severe symptomatic periods, but symptoms must persist for two years.

Major depression during pregnancy or after birth is referred to as postpartum depression. Postpartum depression can make it difficult for new moms to carry out daily care tasks for themselves or their kids because of the intense grief, worry, and weariness that it brings.

When a person has both severe depression and a psychotic condition, such as frightening delusions or the ability to hear or see disturbing things that others cannot, this condition is known as psychotic depression (hallucinations). The depressive “theme,” such as illusions of guilt, poverty, or disease, is frequently present in the psychotic symptoms.

The hallmark of seasonal affective disorder is the onset of depression in the winter, when there is less direct sunlight. Winter depression, which often subsides throughout the spring and summer, might recur every year and be characterized by social seclusion, more sleep, and weight gain.

Others may have depression that appears to have no evident cause. Clinical depression causes a variety of symptoms that might have an impact on a person’s physical and mental health. These consist of:

ongoing melancholy or sadness
Having no hope and being powerless
Having a low sense of self
I’m moved to tears
experiencing guilt
alterations in weight or appetite (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)
Unaccounted for aches and discomfort
Not enough energy
Low-quality drive (loss of libido).

The NHS advises seeking medical assistance, which can begin with a visit to your GP, if you or someone you know is exhibiting any of the symptoms mentioned above. It emphasizes that the earlier you see a doctor, the earlier you can start your recovery.