Emotions running high for Mia Robertson.

The week before last, Mia Robertson, the daughter of Missy and Jase Robertson from Duck Dynasty, experienced a great loss.

Dr. Her longtime doctor, David Genecov, was killed in a car accident. Missy Robertson informed the followers on her Instagram account that Mia underwent surgery to repair her cracked lip and palate.

Dr. Given that Genecov had been Mia’s doctor for a number of years prior to his passing, his passing has complicated Mia’s life.

She received medical care from him, but he also showed her a lot of kindness and assistance the entire time. His passing has devastated Mia and her family, who have valued their time together throughout the years.

Mia Robertson has been fortunate to have such a knowledgeable and compassionate pediatrician her entire life.

She will treasure her memories of him for the rest of her life, despite the shock and sadness caused by his passing. Mia’s love for Dr. Genecov will endure as a constant reminder that he will never be forgotten.

Missy Robertson talks about the positive effects her husband’s generosity and unwavering support had on her and her daughter, Mia.

His considerate demeanor brought them comfort, and his words of support inspired them to believe that they could overcome any challenge. Mia believes this will be the last operation she will ever need. She had her 14th procedure in July.

She established the “Mia Moo Fund” so that other kids would have access to healthcare and wouldn’t have to cover their smiles due to health issues. With the help of their friends and family, who have supported them throughout the entire process, Missy and Mia are more important than ever.

Missy’s husband helped make an otherwise stressful situation a little bit more bearable by being kind and helpful. While they supported her in the face of an uncertain future, his presence kept Mia’s 14th procedure in July free of fear.

Additionally, he helped them develop strength that neither of them could have predicted before going through these hardships; as a result, they became more and more equipped to face challenges head-on with courage and grace.

Mia founded the “Mia Moo Fund” as a result of this trip, which is a charitable organization dedicated to helping kids who need medical care by providing financial support so they won’t have to give up their smiles because of a lack of funds.

Mia received Missy Robertson’s sad news with a heavy heart. His enthusiasm for involving his patients in decision-making, as well as his beautiful clothes and elegance, will be remembered fondly by those he helped and by those closest to him.

Having met Dr. David Genecov, Mia considers herself fortunate. His support during her battle with cracked lips and palate and the numerous medical innovations he left for future generations are unmatched.

Mia’s mother pleaded with everyone to pray for those who were in need as a result of this tragedy, saying that she could no longer recall life before meeting Dr. David.

The family will always be grateful to the doctor for his contributions to medical advancements that improved lives all over the world. The doctor’s work and warmth at this time of need held a special place in the family’s hearts.