Even More Sad Kevin Costner News

Divorce is rarely ever easy, but when a divorce involves children and a celebrity couple in the public eye, things get quite a bit more complicated. We’re talking about the divorce between Kevin Costner and his second wife, Christine Baumgartner.

After 18 years of marriage, Baumgartner filed for divorce on May 1, 2023. A month earlier she had told Costner that she wanted a divorce, and they originally agreed to tell their three children together. In the end, Costner called his children and told them about the divorce via a video call. He planned to file for divorce on May 2nd, but Baumgartner filed the very next day.

Now, the children, their living expenses and child support are the center of the divorce argument between the soon to be exes. Baumgartner is asking for $248,000 per month in child support. Meanwhile, Costner believes a huge portion of that child support request has nothing to do with expenses for the children and more to do with expenses for Baumgartner.

In the request, Baumgartner reportedly calls out expenses like a personal trainer and plastic surgery, expenses that Costner’s legal team claims aren’t for the children but for Baumgartner. According to Costner’s attorney, Laura Wasser, Baumgartner spent $188,500 per month on plastic surgery in 2022. Wasser called Baumgartner’s calculation “fundamentally dishonest.”

Child support is designed to ensure the couple’s children would continue to live the lifestyle they have become accustomed to after the divorce. Obviously, that would take a lot of money when they are used to living in multi-million dollar mansions, but how much money is actually reasonable?

According to Wasser, the guideline child support amount that Costner is willing to pay is $123,620. In addition, their prenup requires him to pay Baumgartner $1.4 million after the divorce settlement. He is also required to pay her mortgage, insurance and taxes once she moves out, and he is allowing her to stay at his Aspen home with their kids one week each year rent free. He will also allow her to visit the golf clubs they are members of and pay all of her expenses while she is there.

Meanwhile, Baumgartner is refusing to move out of Costner’s beach front home in Carpinteria, California. She claims she will move out once Costner agrees to pay her child support request. According to their prenup, she was supposed to move out of Costner’s home within 30 days of filing for divorce.

Baumgartner and Costner have seen each other once since filing for divorce. That was to celebrate their son Cayden’s birthday. They both lived in the same house together for a few days and were civil to each other. Costner has been away filming “Horizon” in Utah, and he returned to set after the short visit for his son’s birthday.

Watch the video below for more about Costner and Baumgartner’s divorce proceedings.

Do you think Baumgartner will get her way when it comes to child support, or do you think Costner will win this battle?