Jane Fonda Stands Firm Against Outrage After Extreme Political Joke On The View

As fans know, Jane Fonda is a passionate activist known for her liberal political views and outspoken nature. In a recent appearance on “The View,” the star offered a fiery take on abortion laws.

Co-host Joy Behar mentioned a film about abortion in which guest Lily Tomlin acted. This prompted Behar to reference the overturning of Roe v. Wade, as well as the fact that it’s now illegal for Walgreens to supply abortion pills in certain states.

Fonda replied, “We have experienced many decades now of having agency over our body, of being able to determine when and how many children to have. We know what that feels like. We know what that’s done for our lives. We’re not going back. I don’t care what the laws are.” Behar then asked Fonda what actions she plans to take beyond marching and protesting, to which she responded, “Murder.” Although she was clearly making a joke, the moment has gone viral on Twitter, and many people are up in arms about Fonda’s remarks.

Jane Fonda defends her use of the word ‘murder’ as hyperbole

Following her appearance on “The View,” Jane Fonda has caused a ruckus in the media, with plenty of conservatives condemning her choice of words and framing her use of “murder” as a serious threat. One user tweeted, “Jane Fonda calls for literal murder of Pro-Life politicians and activists. This is criminal incitement of violence. Can someone please tell the FBI she’s a soccer mom going to a school board meeting so they investigate?” Another account wrote, “She owes the country a huge apology.” Yet, some people defended her, as another user tweeted, “For those outraged by Jane Fonda suggesting some conservative lawmakers be murdered, where is that same outrage when a speaker at CPAC called for the eradication of trans people?”

In response to the controversy, Fonda is standing by her remark. She provided a statement to the Daily Beast, saying, “While women’s reproductive rights are a very serious issue and extremely important to me, my comment on ‘The View’ was obviously made in jest.” She clarified the context of her word choice, continuing, “My body language and tone made it clear to those in the room — and to anyone watching — that I was using hyperbole to make a point.” She also noted how people are hung up on “tangential issues” and “passing jokes.” According to her, focusing on these aspects only detracts from the profound issues women are facing with their bodies.