Johnny Depp Cancels All Appearances Due to ‘Devastating’ News

While on tour with Hollywood Vampires and promoting his new movie, Jeanne Du Barry, Johnny Depp also visited Cannes and London. He had to cancel all of his remaining engagements, though, due to a serious injury.

The actor, who is currently promoting his most recent film all over the world, announced on Instagram that he had to cancel the remaining dates of his tour. He provided a justification for the decision, which included the cancellation of his scheduled appearances with Hollywood Vampires.

He began by saying, “My dear friends, I’m sorry to say that I have a cast on my ankle; it’s a drag. “It was a hairline break at first, but between Cannes and The Albert Hall, it got worse rather than better.

He said, “Several medical doctors have strongly discouraged me from participating in any activities, so I’m presently unable to travel.

“In light of this, the lads and I really apologize for missing you in Boston, New Hampshire, and New York, but fear not—we pledge to make it up to those who paid for those gigs by bringing an outstanding show to all of you in Europe and bringing our best to the East Coast later this summer!”.

“Once more, my sincere and sincere apologies. Love and respect to you, J.
He concluded with “,”.

Instagram user Hollywood Vampires also posted an apology, and comments of support poured in.

The message on their official page read, “Johnny has a painful ankle injury from his recent performances, and his doctor has advised against traveling.”. He is devastated by the turn of events, but he is eager to get better so that all four vampires can give their best performances during the tour in Europe. “.

The actor was complimented and given the following piece of advice: “Get some rest. You need it. There is no reason to feel guilty if you get better quickly. We all hope that he recovers quickly and wish him health and comfort. “.

Another person said, “Oh, that’s really sad, but understandable.”. “I’m sending you some courage, and I hope Johnny feels better soon. “.

Joe Perry from Aerosmith, Tommy Henriksen, Johnny Depp, and Alice Cooper make up the quartet known as Hollywood Vampires. For the supergroup, which was established in 2012, Jonny provided slide, lead, rhythm, and keyboards. He sang lead and harmony vocals in addition.