Kallie Wright Shares the Obituary She Wrote for Her 3-Year-Old Son Levi Following Tragic Accident: ‘I will lose sleep over this for eternity’

On May 21, 3-year-old Levi Wright was riding his toy tractor when it went into a creek near his Utah home.

Days later, on June 2, his parents rodeo star Spencer Wright and Kallie Wright made the decision to remove Levi from life support.

Now, his mom is sharing the obituary she wrote for her young son on social media.

“Our sweet boy, Levi Spencer Wright, affectionately known as “Beans,” was born on March 24, 2021, in Cedar City, Utah, to Spencer and Kallie Wright of Beaver, Utah,” the obituary began.

Kallie Wright Shares The Obituary She Wrote For Her 3-Year-Old Son Levi Following Tragic Accident: 'I Will Lose Sleep Over This For Eternity'

“He passed away June 2, 2024, after a two week stay at Primary Children’s Hospital following an accident May 21st doing what he loved most, riding his electric toy tractor.”

In the memorial, Levi’s parents described him as “exceptionally thoughtful and considerate for his age, he was constantly thinking of others.” His heart, they wrote, “was pure, tender and oversized.”

It reads how much he loved his sister and how one of his “greatest joys” was playing with her. “They were instant best friends.”

His parents joked that the “verdict was still out” on how Levi felt about his baby brother, though he did “often ask to ‘hold baby.’”

But more than anything, Levi is described as a “grandma’s boy” who always asked to go to “Gamma’s house.” The pair often did church together.

The obituary revealed how much Levi looked up to his dad, Spencer. “He wanted to be just like him and was well on his way.”

“He had a passion for tractors, excavators, skid steers and all heavy equipment, even his music choice followed suit-he was always asking to play Big Green Tractor and The Excavator Song. Like many 3 year old boys, he had a growing love for dinosaurs,” the memorial continued.

“He recently convinced himself he was a TRex and had begun roaring at people when he was too shy to speak to them. He was rarely seen without his cowboy hat and boots. He had just acquired his own horse and was beginning to enjoy family horse rides.”

Levi’s funeral details will not be made public.

In a separate Facebook post, Kallie shared a video of the creek Levi accidentally drove his tractor into.

“There is a creek that runs through our 24 acre property and separates our house from Grandma and Grandpa’s, through that creek is a road made of concrete,” Kallie explained.

“It’s how we’ve gotten to their house safely most days as sometimes our dirt road is a nascar raceway. My kids have rode their bikes, driven their ride on toys & even walked this way a million times. Water only runs through for a short time during the year and can change over night.”

The day of Levi’s accident, Kallie explains he didn’t do anything he hadn’t done before. However, “this time the water was at its peak & strong enough to push his tractor off the road into the creek as he drove through.”

As Kallie continued to explain, on May 21, Levi “asked me to ride his tractor and I explained that grandma wasn’t home, he shouldn’t drive through the creek or the road and just to ride around the house. As he drove off, I ran back in the house.”

The decision to quickly run back into the house, Kallie said, “will haunt me for the rest of my life.”

“In that moment he was my responsibility alone. Whether I went back to check on my sleeping baby, swap the laundry, wash a bottle or put away lunch, I honestly don’t know. Whatever it was, wasn’t more important than following him that day. Although I’m a firm believer that our stories are written long before we reach this earth and that our Lord will take us when he’s ready, I will lose sleep over this for eternity.”

But despite everything, Kallie adds that she know three things to be true.

“1. I am not a perfect mom but I am a good mom. 2. My little boy loved me with all he had. 3. Never say never because it only takes seconds and it can happen to you too. I pray anyone who judges me or has hurtful words to say never finds themself on the receiving end of a nightmare like this.”