Kim Kardashian Gets Upset With North West Who Reveals She Has Dyslexia: “You Are Just Saying Way Too Much”

North West is spilling the tea about something personal in her life and her mother, Kim Kardashian , isn’t too happy about it. The mother-daughter duo were doing a live video on their shared TikTok account (@ kimandnorth ) when the 10-year-old randomly revealed that she was recently diagnosed with dyslexia.

Judging by the way Kim reacted, it’s safe to say her dyslexia diagnosis is something she wanted to keep private. “Northie you sure are spilling the tea on here,” Kim said in response – which prompted North to ask, “Should I drop an album?” At that point, Kim had heard enough and threatened to end the live video.

“I am going to get off this live right now because you are just saying way too much. I purposely don’t talk about stuff that you are going through,” she said before continuing the video. It’s the type of moment Kim is used to by now and the type of moment that’ll only become more common as her children grow older.

Dyslexia is a language-based reading disability characterized by an ‘unexpected difficulty in reading in an individual who has the intelligence to be a much better reader,’ according to . It’s a lifelong condition with no cure, but there are a number of treatments available today. The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity

Some of the common signs and symptoms of dyslexia include difficulty spelling, difficulty telling similar letters apart in the alphabet, having trouble with rhymes, difficulty sounding out new words, unable to read fluently, often mixing up the position of sounds in a word, and/or difficulty learning the names of letters.

Recent studies suggest that more than 10% of the world’s population (780 million people) and nearly 20% of the United States’ population (40 million people) are living with dyslexia – it accounts for roughly 80–90 percent of all those with learning disabilities, making it one of the most common learning disabilities today.

While there is no cure for dyslexia, there are ways to treat and manage it – that way, the individual can still live a happy and normal life. Working with trained specialists can help give your child the necessary tools to read effectively and being patient with them will give them the time needed to retain information.

North West Isn’t the Only Dyslexic Celebrity

North West might be the latest celebrity to reveal her dyslexia diagnosis, but she’s not the first celebrity and won’t be the last, either. In fact, some of Hollywood’s biggest stars and sport’s greatest athletes learned to overcome their diagnosis and achieve things one could only dream of achieving in their life.

Steven Spielberg , Bella Thorne , Tom Cruise , Salma Hayek , Anderson Cooper , Tim Tebow , Magic Johnson , Whoopi Goldberg , Jay Leno , Cher , Channing Tatum , and Jennifer Aniston all have dyslexia – but you wouldn’t know it if I didn’t tell ya because they didn’t let it stop them from dreaming.

Tom Cruise described himself as a ‘functional illiterate’ throughout high school and even as he started his acting career at the age of 19. “I had to train myself to focus my attention. I became very visual and learned how to create mental images in order to comprehend what I read,” he said in a past interview .

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Channing Tatum detailed how difficult it is for him to read scripts due to his dyslexia. “I read so slow. If I have a script, I’m going to read it five times slower than any other actor, but I’ll be able to tell you everything in it,” he said – adding that the condition does give him other skills.