The entertainment industry mourns the loss of the beloved actress Andrea Evans, renowned for her iconic portrayal of Tina Lord on the daytime soap opera “One Life to Live” and a distinguished career spanning various television series and films. Evans, whose credits include memorable roles in “Passions,” “DeVanity,” “Low Down Dirty Shame,” “The Bold and the Beautiful,” “The Bay,” “Ice Cream Man,” and “Hit List,” passed away on Sunday, July 9, 2023, at the age of 66 after battling breast cancer, as reported by IMDB.
Nick Leicht, Evans’ manager, fondly remembered her as a “tremendous talent” and “absolute joy to work with,” reflecting on their seven-year collaboration. The news of Evans’ passing elicited an outpouring of heartfelt tributes from her former co-stars and famous friends, highlighting her impact on both the entertainment industry and their personal lives.
Frank Valentini, former executive producer of “One Life to Live,” expressed his sorrow, describing Evans as a “huge star” and “daytime legend” known for her kindness, graciousness, and professionalism on set. Kassie DePavia, another co-star, lamented the loss of a talented actress whose contributions helped elevate the show’s prominence, emphasizing the devastating impact of cancer.
Actor Eric Martsolf shared his memories of Evans, recalling her infectious positivity and work ethic that made each day on set a joy. He paid tribute to her radiant smile and unwavering dedication to her craft, acknowledging her profound influence on his own career in daytime television.
Evans’ legacy on “One Life to Live” remains indelible, having first portrayed Tina Lord in 1979 before returning to the show in 2008 after a hiatus in the 1990s. Her decision to reprise the role delighted fans who had long awaited her comeback, underscoring her enduring popularity and the lasting impression she left on audiences.
Survived by her second husband, Stephen Rodriguez, whom she married in 1998, and her daughter, Kylie, Evans leaves behind a legacy of talent, resilience, and warmth that continues to inspire generations of viewers and fellow performers alike. As the entertainment community mourns her passing, her contributions to the industry and the lives she touched serve as a testament to her enduring spirit and legacy.