Michael J. Fox’s latest message has fans in tears

Michael J. Fox, who is known for his positive outlook, has been living with Parkinson’s disease since 1991. The actor recently admitted that the year 2022 has been particularly challenging for him, despite the fact that he is known for his cheery attitude.

“I fractured my jaw, then my hand, then my shoulder, had a replacement shoulder put in, and broke my [right] arm, then I shattered my elbow,” he said in an interview with People. “I had a replacement shoulder put in and broke my [right] arm, then I broke my elbow.” “At 61 years old, I’m starting to feel my age a little bit more,” she said.

Even while Parkinson’s disease is known to affect mobility, the current spate of injuries was not due to the condition itself, but rather to the fact that after fracturing his hand, he was momentarily unable to use it, which caused him to have problems with his balance and resulted in falls.

Michael reports that he is now recovering well and is making every effort to safeguard himself against further harm.

“The overarching objective of the operation is “don’t fall down.” It doesn’t matter whether it’s a walker or a wheelchair, a cane, or a person with a belt around his waist holding onto it — I utilize all of those instruments to keep from falling down “It was generous of him.

Michael commented on his development by saying: “I’ve only recently reached the point where I can walk normally again. I enjoy going for a stroll alone by my lonesome sometimes. It is. It’s a wonderful thing.”

The famous actor was only 29 years old when he was given the diagnosis; at the time, he had recently wed Tracy Pollan.

Michael reflected on his diagnosis and shared with CBS Mornings that receiving the news that he had Parkinson’s disease was a difficult and upsetting realization for him.

“She was given this responsibility at a very early stage in the marriage. And the moment when I informed her that I was realizing was the very last time that the two of us sobbed together over it, “he stated.

“Since then, there have been no more tears shed over Parkinson’s. We have simply made the best of the situation and moved on with our lives. But the very first time that happened, both of us ended up crying “Michael reflected on the moment to the host, Nate Burleson.