Nanny Faye Chrisley is sharing an update on her battle with bladder cancer.

An update on Nanny Faye Chrisley’s fight against bladder cancer is being provided.

The 79-year-old said she is in excellent spirits despite continuing cancer treatments during an appearance on Savannah Chrisley’s Unlocked podcast.

“Great, me. You don’t always get a nice hand of cards to play with in life, so you do the best you can. You stand up, groom yourself, and move on “she claims. “I go to bed and get up early. It makes you wealthy, wise, and healthy.”

Savannah gushed about how her grandmother, who has been receiving chemotherapy, is a “champ.” She said, “She would receive her chemo, the following day she would be dead, and then after that, she’d be in the car going to the casino.”

The 25-year-old Growing Up Chrisley actor continued by stating that it must have been difficult for Nanny Faye to live without Todd and Julie Chrisley ever since the couple was ordered to prison for tax fraud.

“If we’re being honest about it, everyone knows mom and dad were your primary caregiver,” Savannah remarked before Nanny Faye agreed that it’s been “very hard.”

She said, “There wasn’t a single treatment [for her bladder cancer] that my lovely daughter-in-law wasn’t with me. She has been by my side throughout everything.

On his podcast, Chrisley Confessions in June 2022, Todd, 53, first discussed his mother’s diagnosis.

He revealed that she was initially diagnosed in the fall of 2021 and planned to keep her battle hidden. “My mother was diagnosed with bladder cancer and so she is in treatment, and we have been dealing with that treatment regularly,” he stated.

At the time, Todd pleaded with the public to show respect for the woman’s age and the fact that she was fighting for her life. “I fervently ask God to keep her in the path of healing on a daily basis. We are no different from everyone else in that everyone experiences difficulties.”

Although the Chrisleys haven’t provided many specifics regarding Nanny Faye’s diagnosis, bladder cancer primarily affects older individuals. Nine out of ten bladder cancer patients, according to the American Cancer Society, are older than 55.