One Of Ivanka’s Favorite Actresses Attacked Her On Twitter

Ivanka Trump is a diehard fan of Alyssa Milano. However, the pair could not be farther apart on the political spectrum. Milano has transitioned into an activist role in recent years to raise awareness around women’s issues as well as other concerns. Although Ivanka has a “total girl crush” on the actor who judged a reality show alongside Trump’s daughter in 2015, Milano has since changed her tune on Ivanka’s since the former reality show star has gone political.

Milano first rose to national recognition for her role in Who’s the Boss. Due to her high level of fame, Milano has been able to use her celebrity status to fight for social justice causes that matter to her like women’s rights, among other things.

When the pair first met, Milano had high hopes for Ivanka. However, under the influence of Trump, Milano is very disappointed with the person Ivanka “has evolved into.”

She wrote on her social media page, “I met Ivanka Trump when I was hosting Project Runway All-Stars, she told me I was her hero.”

Although Ivanka has proclaimed Alyssa Milano to be her personal hero, Milano no longer has respect for Ivanka due to her involvement in her father’s Republican administration.

“I’m sad to see what she has evolved into,” Milano said of Trump’s eldest daughter.

Besides bashing her biggest fan on social media, Milano ended her anti-Ivanka rant with a call to action for all of her three million Instagram followers to register to vote and cast their vote for Joe Biden in November – or earlier if voting by mail-in ballot.

Before her father ran for the presidency, Ivanka gushed about Alyssa Milano on Twitter, writing: “I’m admitting to a total girl crush on Alyssa Milano. She’s hilarious! And incidentally, one of the first people I followed on Twitter.”

Although Ivanka made a good first impression on Milano the few times the pair have met, Milano has not been impressed with Ivanka’s latest work under her father’s tutelage.

“I met Ivanka Trump when I was hosting Project Runway All-Stars,” Milano wrote on Instagram. “She told me I was her hero. I am sad to see what she has evolved into. Text ‘VOTE’ to 30330 to join Team Biden.”

She also burned Ivanka on Twitter, writing: “I have met Ivanka Trump a few times. In 2015, when she guest judged a show I hosted, she told me I was her hero. I’m sad to see her now.”

When Ivanka was working on Milano’s show, she was a private citizen, working for her father.

Milano has not allowed Ivanka’s personal affection for her to stop her from asking Ivanka to push for legislation to protect women.

“Dear Ivanka Trump,” Milano wrote on Twitter back in 2018. “You don’t follow me on Twitter, but as a public servant, you work for me. You’ve proclaimed yourself a feminist. Use your access to demand that Professor Ford’s request for a full, fair, trauma-informed investigation by the FBI be held (into accused rapist Brett Kavanaugh).”

What do you think about Ivanka’s love for Alyssa Milano?