Pink Says She Almost Died From An Overdose

Recently, singer Pink sat down for an interview with “60 Minutes,” and during the interview, she shared some surprising truths about her life, her childhood and her career.

One of the most shocking experiences Pink shared was a near-death experience she had back in 1995. While the incident happened just weeks before she ended up signing her very first record deal, the circumstances that led up to it started much earlier.

Pink shared that during her childhood, she “was a punk. I had a mouth. I had a chip on my shoulder.” Why was that? Pink explained, “Basically I grew up in a house where every day my parents were screaming at each other, throwing things. They hated each other.”

As Pink got older, she “got into drugs.” She shared, “I was selling drugs.” As a result, her parents kicked her out of her house, and she dropped out of high school. Fast forward to a rave that Pink attended during Thanksgiving 1995, and Pink describes herself as “off the rails.”

At that rave, Pink overdosed and “almost died.” She said, “I was on ecstasy, angel dust, crystal, all kinds of things. Then I was out. Done. Too much.”

That moment was a turning point for Pink. She had to go to the hospital, and she previously told Shape Magazine that she remembers “getting up off the floor in the morning – and that was the last time I ever touched a drug again.” She added, “It was also the day a DJ offered to let me sing on hip-hop night. His only caveat was that I couldn’t do drugs, so I didn’t.” She continued, “That’s the thing with me – once I make up my mind, I’m done.”

Just a few weeks later, she ended up getting a record deal.

Watch the video below to hear some more of the truth bombs Pink shared during her “60 Minutes” interview.