Please keep the beloved actress Jane Fonda in your prayers.

Jane Fonda is thinking back on her challenging experience with chemotherapy.

The Grace and Frankie actress opened out to Entertainment Tonight about undergoing cancer treatments last year after revealing in September that she had been diagnosed with non-lymphoma. Hodgkin’s The 85-year-old actress acknowledged to the site that chemotherapy “struck me hard” despite her announcement last month that her cancer is in remission.

“For the first time, I acknowledged that what I was going through was typical. Because the type of chemotherapy I was receiving at first wasn’t too unpleasant, “She added that as time went on, it became more exhausting.

The actress claimed she found out her illness was in remission just days before turning 85, which gave her more cause to celebrate but also provided her the chance to consider death, something she believes is necessary to do.

“I often reflect on my mortality. For the past 30 years, I have, “Fonda said to ET. “I believe doing it is healthy. If you don’t consider mortality, it’s difficult to live well. Life entails it.”

She said, “Other cultures aren’t as terrified of thinking about death as we are. “I give it a lot of thought, and it has greatly improved my life. A cancer diagnosis makes you think about it even more, and you want to make sure you accomplish the things you want to do so you won’t look back on your life with a lot of regret.”

Fonda shared a picture of herself at a Washington, D.C. climate demonstration along with a statement on Instagram announcing that her cancer was in remission.

She stated in December, “Last week I was notified by my oncologist that my cancer is in remission and I can stop chemo.” “I feel very fortunate and blessed right now. I want to thank everyone who prayed and thought of me. It certainly contributed to the excellent news, in my opinion.”

The Oscar winner admitted that some of her treatments had been “tough,” but she had been able to recuperate in time to travel to Washington, D.C., to engage in “some lobbying” and speak about climate change at the Democracy Alliance.

“I’m especially thrilled because my last chemo session was difficult and lasted two weeks, making it difficult to do much of anything,” Fonda said. “My first four chemo treatments were pretty easy for me; simply a few days of being exhausted.”

When she arrived in Washington, D.C., for the first real, in-person Fire Drill Fridays rally, the affects “wore off,” she said. Every week, she leads a demonstration called Fire Drill Fridays to draw attention to climate change.

In September, Fonda first made her condition public.

“So, my dear friends, I want to share something with you that is personal. My non-Hodgkin lymphoma diagnosis and chemo treatments have begun “She started posting on Instagram. “This malignancy is extremely curable. I consider myself very lucky because 80% of people survive.”

She used her illness as a rallying cry for action during “the most crucial time in human history,” while also acknowledging that she is “privileged” to be able to afford high-quality healthcare while many others cannot.

The actress wrote, “I won’t let cancer stop me from doing everything I can. “I’m using every tool in my toolbox, and a big part of that is continuing to grow the Fire Drill Fridays group and thinking of new ways to harness the power of our numbers to effect change.”

After making her illness public, around three weeks after beginning her first round of chemotherapy, Fonda wrote on her blog that she had “been extremely affected and encouraged by all the sentiments of love and support.”

At the time, she stated, “I want to reiterate that this is a very treatable malignancy and that considerable progress has been achieved with the medicines patients are given.