Please keep the beloved actress Sally Field in your prayers.

Sally Field has a long and remarkable list of credits to her name, and she has adorned movie screens for many years. Due to her small stature, the celebrity posed a serious danger for an illness that affects more than 500,000 individuals in the UK.

Award-winning actress Sally Field, 75, is well-known for her roles in Mrs. Doubtfire, Steel Magnolias, and Forest Gump. The recognizable star received information about her health, a disorder whose risks rise with age.

In 2005, Field, who was approaching her 60th birthday, received an osteoporosis diagnosis.

The diagnosis wasn’t a surprise because the condition is sometimes referred to as the “silent disease” because there aren’t any early indicators before a fracture may happen.

She told WebMD, “I always thought I met the risk profile.

I was approaching my 60th birthday, Caucasian, small-boned, and frail.

But I was astounded at how quickly osteoporosis might progress in a woman from being at risk to being fully developed.

Osteoporosis is a condition that weakens the hip, backbone (spine), and wrist bones to the point where they frequently shatter easily.

Because menopause-related hormonal changes directly impact bone density, women are more likely than males to develop osteoporosis.

Bone health depends on the female hormone estrogen.

However, estrogen levels drop after menopause, which causes a sharp decline in bone density.

Field stated yesterday in Washington, D.C., “I had always eaten healthy, I had always exercised, and I had always taken calcium.”

“I tried to behave well throughout, but it was going to catch me.

“Due to a fractured back, my grandmother Joy suffered a lot the last few years of her life in her 90s.

“She sat down on a bench and fractured her back.”

The National Institute on Aging lists the following risk factors for osteoporosis:

Have broken a bone after the age of 50. Have had surgery to remove their ovaries before their periods stopped. Have had early menopause. Have not gotten enough calcium and/or vitamin D throughout their lives. Have been bedridden for an extended period of time.
Smoke (smokers may absorb less calcium from their diets) (smokers may absorb less calcium from their diets)
Take specific medications, such as those for arthritis, asthma, and some cancer treatments.
Frequently used certain medications
has a tiny frame.

Osteoporosis is a slowly progressing bone-thinning disorder.

As a result, every year more than 500,000 people in the UK need hospital treatment for fractures.

Exercise, vitamin and mineral supplements, and pharmaceuticals are all possible treatments for osteoporosis that have already progressed.

You may benefit from taking supplements and engaging in physical activity to avoid osteoporosis.

Back pain, a gradual loss of height, and a stooped posture where a bone breaks much more quickly than predicted are all possible early signs of osteoporosis.