Prayers are needed for Danny Trejo

Although he acknowledged his secretary complained about having to listen to him “whine like a little girl,” the intimidating Breaking Bad actor who portrays drug smuggler Tortuga battled liver cancer. Nevertheless, he made sure to keep this information private from his family and close friends.

While pitching his “wearable Viagra” product named Giddy to The Sun, he spoke about the experience. Giddy is a product for men to maintain an erection naturally.

Trejo claimed to be a fan of his own product because he avoids taking tablets due to liver health concerns.

He admitted to the magazine, “I’m terrified to death of taking too many medicines, you know, I genuinely beat cancer on my liver so I don’t want to start putting things in there.

Doctors discovered a 10 cm tumor on his liver at the time of his diagnosis.

He added that because of the size of his tumor, the doctors were unable to administer chemotherapy; instead, they gave him “injections.”

A few injections are available for the treatment of liver cancer.

Trejo can be referring to the cancer treatment method known as selective internal radiation.

The NHS explains: “To stop cancer from spreading, radioactive beads are put into the bloodstream of your liver.”

Adults whose livers may be too severely damaged for other treatments may be given SIRT.

When he returned after approximately six months, they told him, “You’re cancer-free,” he claimed. “They gave me injections right into the tumor, three times, seven needles.”

The celebrity reportedly mentioned how he was “earning tremendous money,” which prevented him from telling people he had cancer.

“I was unable to reveal to anyone that I had cancer.

“I’ve only endured in silence, I always say. I had to listen to you whine like a small girl in quiet, my secretary replies, laughing.

He even made an effort to maintain his weight while working out of concern that his acting contract might be terminated if word got out.

One of the main signs of liver cancer is unintentional weight loss.

According to figures from Cancer Research UK, there are 6,200 new cases of liver cancer each year in this nation.

According to the NHS, the condition’s symptoms include fatigue and a lack of vitality.

You might also get jaundice, which is when your skin or eyes turn yellow.

Additionally, you can experience flu-like symptoms or get a bump on the right side of your abdomen.