Put one teaspoon of sea salt in a glass of lukewarm water and drink in the morning. The immediate results will amaze you

Scientists agree that a glass of salted water has a very beneficial effect for the human body. Sips are clean and detoxifying and help the body to regenerate itself. In India has long been known the practice of drinking salted water every morning, and the Western world rejected this idea, assuming that the salt is harmful for the human body. “The trick” is that the water should be salted with pure, natural, salt from the sea.

In this case, it’s healthy effect is guaranteed. Just some of the many benefits of drinking of salted water are: the balance of blood sugar, strengthening of the bones, regulation of the metabolism, strengthening of the immune system, boosting the hormone system, a favourable effect on the varicose veins and many more. A glass of salted water has a nutritional value and because it is rich in minerals that the body quickly recognizes and quickly binds it to itself.

Positive ions of the salt are associated with the negative ions of the water molecules, and vice versa.

The result is a new structure that the body absorbs excellent. Water ceased to be pure water, and the salt is not just a salt. The combination is a balm for your health.

All you have to do is take a clear glass of lukewarm water and put it in one teaspoon of sea salt.

These are just few reasons why you should do this:

1. Hydration

Nutritionist Matt Stone says that if you only drink water for hydration, you can overdo, so your body can be full with liquids. Instead of pure water he advises exactly this kind of water – salted one, once a day.

2. Digestion

If you have problems with digestion, a glass of salted water will put that to an end. Salted water runs enzymes that speed up the digestive tract. If you drink that kind of water every morning, you will soon notice changes and regulated digestion.

3. Disappearance of insomnia

Mineral salts soothe the nervous system. So, if you have problems with insomnia, a glass of salted water will give you a beneficial impact on the problem or at least alleviate it. You will have a better sleep.

4. Detoxification

It is a glass whose content is antibacterial. As already mentioned, the salted water releases the toxins from the body and throw the excess bacteria that harms your body.

5. Bone health

It is a popular theory that the alkaline mineral salts are suitable for the affecting problems with the bones, especially in those who have problems with osteoporosis.

6. Beneficial effects on the skin

If you want a gentle glow clean skin, after a glass of water, do not hesitate. Detoxification is associated with this factor, your skin will glow.

7. A rich source of minerals

All the previous points are associated with the information on the wealth of mineral salts and their positive correlation with the water and its beneficial effects. Minerals are the foundation of nutrition and health, so do not hesitate and try this recipe, certainly can not hurt.