Ree Drummond, also known as The Pioneer Woman, recently experienced the heartrending loss of her beloved basset hound, Walter. A famed figure on the internet, Drummond expressed her grief through an Instagram post that displayed a montage of Walter’s photographs.
She penned down an emotional caption, stating, “Goodbye, sweet wonderful Walter. I’m going to bed early so I can turn off these tears and instead dream sweet memories of you, the most loving loyal pure-hearted doggie our family has ever known. Go find your brother Charlie and have some fun, ol’ boy.”
In response, Drummond’s Instagram post quickly drew an outpouring of condolences and empathetic words from her large fan base. Many expressed their understanding of the pain of losing a pet, noting that the passing over the rainbow bridge is a challenging time.
Some fans conveyed their wishes for a paradise filled with endless treats, continuous ear scratches, and belly rubs for Walter. Others acknowledged the deep emotional bond between dogs and humans, recognizing dogs as family members and empathizing with Drummond’s profound sense of loss.
Interestingly, several of Drummond’s followers had been with her on her journey with Walter right from the beginning. One fan reminisced, “I remember when you first got him. He couldn’t have been luckier than to have you.”
Walter was not the first basset hound Drummond had owned. She has had a lifelong affinity for this particular breed, which she has expressed in the past. On her website, Drummond stated, “I’ve loved bassets all my life. Their excess skin, floppy ears, droopy eyes, and hilarious personalities keep me entertained and make my heart leap.” This love for basset hounds made her loss even more poignant, as reflected in the heartfelt responses from her fans.