Sad news about “Duck Dynasty” star Miss Kay

Miss Kay, a star of “Duck Dynasty,” has decided to speak out about one of the most upsetting periods in her life: the time she was suspected of having an affair by her husband Phil Robertson. By the grace of God, Kay survived those suicidal impulses, and she and Phil have now rebuilt their marriage as a result of those charges.

Kay writes in her latest book, The Women of Duck Commander, “I struck rock bottom.” “Never before had I felt so completely helpless as I did that evening. I was stuck in a bad situation with the boys and I had no idea how to get out of it. I finally came to terms with the idea that I was powerless to improve our life and that no one else could.”

Kay was able to bear Phil’s severe drinking for a while, but his charge of infidelity deeply affected his wife. Kay had been dealing with Phil’s heavy drinking for a while. She locked herself in the restroom out of desperation and started searching for a way out.

“I came to the realization that all I really wanted to do was sleep. I merely wanted to take enough Tylenol to enjoy a nice, long slumber; I didn’t intend to kill myself. If I could just fall asleep and not wake up, I wouldn’t want to live any longer. And I intended to frighten Phil to death “She composed. “For everything he had made me go through, I intended to exact revenge on him. I pretended not to care if I slept for all eternity, but I don’t believe I truly desired to pass away.”

She claims that at that point, while Kay was still confined to the bathroom and wailing, God brought her three reminders of life.

“I could hear the sound of small feet moving toward the restroom door through my cries. In their house shoes, I could see all three boys come to talk to me “She observes.

Son Alan remarked, “Mom, don’t weep.” “God will look after us.”

“I felt as though a lightbulb suddenly turned on for me. What am I doing, I thought to myself. I am the mother of three boys. I can’t abandon kids to a drunken person.”

So Miss Kay spent some time in prayer before opening the bathroom door to the rest of her life with a fresh outlook.