Sad news about Friends star Courteney Cox

Courteney Cox has utilized her platform to spread awareness of the extremely rare and potentially fatal condition known as epidermolysis bullosa (EB). The Friends actress posted a tearjerking video from the organization EB Research Partnership, which is dedicated to treating and curing the disease, on her Instagram account.

The video shows a young boy calling out. Eli Meyer described his ailment to the audience, saying: “It is an uncommon condition, and occasionally it aches. I want everyone to know that even if someone doesn’t look like you, you should still say hello to them. The world will be better if we can better understand one another.”

A group of fatal hereditary diseases that affect the skin of the body are referred to as EB. Patients lack essential proteins that hold the skin’s two layers together, causing the skin torn apart and develop blisters. As a result, there may be permanent wounds that are very painful. Courteney is passionate about the issue because she stated that her friend Brandon has the disease.

She captioned the video as follows: “An uncommon and potentially fatal genetic condition called epidermolysis bullosa (EB) affects many people, including my friend @bdog2k19. To raise awareness and find a treatment for EB, go to @ebmrf and @ebresearch or post a video of you waving using the hashtag #comesayhi!”

A large number of Courteney’s fans praised the actress for using her platform to support such a crucial cause, with one writing: “Your use of your platform for good is a true testament to who you are as a person. Absolutely fantastic,” and “He’s so cute, I’m so grateful you shared this” were written by others. I hope that more people will become aware of EB. It’s important for everyone to understand. I appreciate you sharing.” Added a third: “For school, I created a nursing care plan for a patient with EB. It caused me to cry. Sending this adorable youngster so much love.”

More than ten years ago, Courteney has worked to raise awareness about EB, and in 2015, she revealed to PEOPLE that her friend’s baby was born with the disorder. She uttered: “The child of a friend of mine has EB. Since then, I have participated in it. Now eleven, he. This illness has no known treatment. Simply said, it’s a terrible thing.” Added her: “You can’t help but feel bad for these youngsters. Due to the disease’s rarity, we must raise awareness.”