She died holding her babies in her arm

On 7 October, a tragic incident occurred in Kibbutz Be’eri, Israel, when Bristol-born British-Israeli, Lianne Sharabi, 48, and her two teenage daughters were killed during a raid by Hamas. In the aftermath, their heartbroken relatives revealed that the three were discovered “all cuddled together,” emphasizing the devastating nature of the event.

Gill and Pete Brisley, Lianne’s parents, recounted their daughter’s unwavering commitment as a mother. In their own words, Lianne was a “devoted mother” who did everything she could to protect her daughters, Noiya and Yahel. Describing the gut-wrenching moment they realized something was amiss, Mr. Brisley spoke of how he turned on the TV, noticed the unrest, and reached out to his daughter, only to be met with silence. The family’s home was among the first to be targeted, and nearly every resident on the street suffered either injuries or death.

The Brisley family learned of the horrifying circumstances of their loved ones’ demise through a soldier who found them. Even amidst such grief, Mrs. Brisley tried to find some semblance of comfort in the thought that her daughter did what any loving mother would – she held her children close, attempting to shield them.

Delving into Lianne’s backstory, it was revealed that she had been a cheerful child growing up in Mangotsfield primary school. Always having had the passion for exploring the world, Lianne relocated to Israel from Staple Hill in Bristol at the age of 19. This move was initially meant to be a working holiday on a kibbutz (a collective community in Israel). However, life had other plans for her.

Three months into her stay, she called home, announcing she had met someone special. In the years that followed, Lianne embraced Israeli culture, mastering the Hebrew language and starting a family. Yahel, her 13-year-old daughter, was described as an energetic young girl with a penchant for scuba diving, a fascination with the universe, and a deep love for animals.

Her elder sister, Noiya, 16, was the quieter of the two but no less remarkable. Compassionate by nature, Noiya dedicated her time to caring for disabled children and adults, with aspirations of entering the field of social work.

Recalling their last visit, Mrs. Brisley fondly remembered the joyous occasion of Yahel’s Bat Mitzvah in July. The entire family came together, cherishing simple moments, from playing in the pool to indulging in light-hearted games.

In a somber turn of events, the Brisley family could not be physically present for Lianne, Noiya, and Yahel’s funeral due to travel restrictions. However, they bore witness to the overwhelming outpour of grief and love for the trio through videos of the service shared on WhatsApp.

Hundreds turned up to bid their final farewell, a testament to how loved and cherished the family was. As the weight of reality settles in, Mrs. Brisley encapsulated their collective grief and resilience, stating, “We feel numb… it is what it is, we can’t change it. We must get through it.”