She has not had a haircut for 25 years, although her husband often begged her to do so.

Rosa Ramirez, a woman from the United States, was known for her long hair, which drew a lot of attention wherever she went.

The woman refused to trim her hair for 25 years, despite her husband’s efforts, and her hair ornament measured nearly a meter and a half, extending to her ankles.

Rosa eventually caved in and admitted that it was time to update her appearance.

She agreed to have her hair cut if the proceeds went to a charity that provides wigs for children with cancer.

Watch the video below to see how the woman now appears:

Only then does the situation become more problematic, as eliminating facial hair can be extremely unpleasant. Wax can cause skin irritation and burns, so rather of harming your face, try one of the recipes below.

They are entirely painless and safe; just remember to apply them in the direction of hair growth.

1. Baking soda and coffee

This mixture exfoliates the skin, making it smoother and healthier, as well as removing hair from the roots.


Combine 3 tablespoons of water, 2 teaspoons of instant ground coffee, and 1 tablespoon baking soda in a mixing bowl.

Apply the paste to your face and leave it on for no more than 5 minutes. Furthermore, this mask dries quickly. Rub it in and cleanse your face once it’s dry. To minimize facial hair development, repeat this technique on a regular basis.

2. Lentils with potatoes

In India, this is a common treatment. To make a paste, soak the lentils overnight and blend in the morning. Then squeeze the juice from three peeled and grated potatoes, as well as 1 spoonful of honey and 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, into the mixture.

Apply the paste to your face after stirring until it is smooth. Allow it to dry for about 20 minutes before rubbing it off and washing your face.

3. Rose water and mung bean flour

You can cleanse sensitive and acne-prone skin and eliminate facial hair by mixing mung bean flour with rose water.

Combine 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1 teaspoon rose water, and 2 tablespoons mung bean flour in a mixing bowl. Apply the mixture to hair-bearing regions and leave it to work for 20 minutes.

Remove it from your face and wash it with water. Repeat 3-4 times each week for optimal results.