Someone Should Have Really Checked The Background Before Taking These Photos

Whether it’s a selfie, a group pic of friends, or a beautiful moment captured by a professional, pictures have become a significant part of our social life and daily routine. But when someone crashes your precious picture in the background, it really puts the idea of visual storytelling in perspective since it can create an entirely different story than expected.

It’s hard to tell if hilarious photobombs happen due to perfect timing or intention, but the key to it all is all about the right place and the right time. Because let’s face it, photobombin’ can happen anywhere, anytime, by anyone, to anyone.

From NBA superstar Tim Duncan to comedian Amy Schumer to magnificent sea creatures to embarrassing family members, these perfectly-timed photobombs are sure to make you laugh out loud!

At first it might look like this golfer is just innocently trying to position himself properly before trying to get the gold bar in the whole to beat the par. But once you look in the background, it’s almost as if this photo is the aftermath of this golfer’s stroke. One might think that perhaps he actually hit the golf cart so precisely that he was able to tip it over and cause it to crash down on the course – oops!

Then again, maybe it was just a bit of the Butterfly Effect Theory. One wing flap here, an innocent practice stroke there, and wham! The entire golf cart flips over for absolutely no logical reasoning.

We’re not really sure what’s happening in this photo – it seems like the photographer captured something that defies the laws of surfing.

We know that it can be hard to balance yourself and stand on top of the board when you’re first learning how to surf. But the ocean is looking pretty clear, with no waves in site. So how exactly this surfer ended up tripping on flipping on his board is beyond us! But it does make for a funny addition to this family picture. Right?

A Comical Composition

As a photographer, it is your job to make sure that every part of the photo’s composition is perfect before you click to take the pic. And while it can get quite emotionally distracting from all of the joy and excitement when you’re taking maternity photos, it’s still crucial to stay focused and make sure to capture a beautiful shot of the soon-to-be mom.

But this whole situation right here is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity shot, so we can’t really blame the photographer for not being able to resist capturing such a hysterical moment!

When Mr. Monopoly Makes an Appearance

It seems like this man is in an intense business committee meeting. But if he thought he was under a lot of pressure giving his speech, then he needs to think again. It’s one thing to impress a bunch of board members and financial investors, but it’s a-whole-nother level when you have an iconic business legend in the crowd watching your every move from behind.

There’s no need for any “Where’s Waldo?” skills here. Mr. Monopoly is wide open in the background – and it looks like he’s on a mission to take over!

If we had to guess, we would say that this girl is happily celebrating receiving her new phone. And a brand new, snazzy, hot pink phone at that! So, what better way to commemorate this milestone than by taking a picture in front of the store?

Only problem is, they seem to have an envious, upset little sister lurking in the background, distraught that she isn’t old enough to get a phone. In fact, she’s somehow found herself literally stuck in a glass case of emotions.

“Cheese” vs. “Everyone make a Funny Face”

When it comes to group photos, there’s a very specific unwritten law about when to do what pose. And that responsibility falls on one specific person – the photographer.

So, when the photographer says “Say cheese”, we all know to say “Cheese” out loud and smile. And when they say the magic words, “Everyone make a funny face”, we know to do basically anything other than smile that involves some sort of a silly action or gesture.

But it looks like this guy took the opportunity to photobomb this smiling group photo of dancers with his version of a “funny face”.

Epic Timing for Her Exit

Any girl who’s ever been to an event knows how much of a chronicle it can be to get to the restroom. Whether it’s a sporting event at the stadium or your cousin’s wedding, the women’s line to the bathroom is somehow always endless and can take ages until you actually reach your final destination.

So, we don’t really blame this fine lady in lime green for sucking it up and using the men’s room – after all, when you gotta go, you gotta go. But we have to admit, the timing of her exit was totally epic for this photo!