The One Show presenter, Alex Jones, shared a heartfelt message

The star of “The One Show,” Alex Jones, posted a touching message on Instagram in which she revealed that her son Kit, who is three years old, had surgery.

Alex posted a picture of Kit recuperating in the hospital alongside the caption, “Just waiting for little Kit to come back from surgery. It’s nothing to worry about because he’s just getting grommets put in his ears, but the experience will be unpleasant for him.”

Alex made sure that her little child was as comfortable as possible while he was in the hospital by placing a Peter Rabbit plush toy and a Spiderman figurine on his bed. These items were there to greet him when he returned from surgery.

Grommets are little tubes that are inserted into the ear canal to prevent ear infections. They work by allowing air to reach the middle ear by way of the ear canal.

It is customary for the procedure to be carried out under general anesthesia during day surgery; hence, Alex and Kit will most likely be able to return home today; however, it is currently unknown whether Alex will appear on The One Show later this evening.

In May of 2022, the youngster underwent another operation, and Alex was there to share in her concerns on that occasion as well.

At the time, Alex shared her difficult day with her followers on Instagram Stories by stating the following: “Waiting for my little Kit to come back from theater after a pretty normal op but feels like the longest morning of my life!”

With the arrival of his older brother Teddy in 2017, Kit arrived in the world in May of 2019. In the year 2021, Alex and her partner Charlie Thomson welcomed their third child, a daughter named Annie.

The host discussed the challenges of being a mother to three children and explained the difficulties involved, saying, “Balancing the three of them with a full-time work, as any mother will tell you, is, on some days, overwhelming.”

“It’s so enormous. That can be a rare time, but when you think to yourself, “They all make me laugh, and they’re all getting along really well,” it’s worth it, in my opinion, because you receive something back from it. They won’t be this young forever, that’s for sure.”

We are hoping that Kit will be feeling fine after his operation.