The Sad Truth About Dr. Oz’s Family Is Revealed

Despite the success of his daytime television show, Dr. Mehment Oz is fighting his sister over a few thousand dollars a month. After Dr. Oz’s father passed away, tensions escalated between the television personality and his sister. Now, the pair will be going to court (unless they can settle outside of the legal system) over rent money obtained from Dr. Oz’s late father’s two New York City real estate properties.

Nazlim Oz, Dr. Oz’s sister, filed a complaint in Manhattan on Monday against her rich brother for blocking the money she was owed from their father’s Upper East Side apartment units. Their father, Mustafa, bought the properties back in 1983. He died in February 2019. The apartments are now thought to be leased to high-paying tenants, and Nazlim believes she is entitled to $15,000 per month from the combined payments for the apartments. However, Dr. Oz claims that she is the problem.

However, Dr. Oz managed to find a way to control the limited liability company that manages both properties. Because he has the power, he used it to squeeze his sister out of the deal and to keep all the money for himself despite his massive wealth gained through television and Hollywood.

Nazlim’s legal complaint accuses Dr. Oz of violating his duties as the company manager. He has used his power to block her from receiving the payments that his father wanted her to have.

However, a representative of Dr. Oz told Daily Mail that he only stopped payments because there is a larger lawsuit regarding more members of the Oz family and the distribution of Mustafa’s estate. Apparently, more people related to Dr. Oz want more of the wealth to be handed to them instead of the rich television show host.

Reports indicate that lawsuits have been filed both in the United States and in Turkey, where Nazlim currently lives.

“Our Family, including my mother, is suing my youngest sister Nazlim over my late father’s estate, including NYC-based properties,” Dr. Oz. stated through his spokesperson. “My father legally placed me as manager of this entity, so although I do not own or desire these properties, I am obliged to hold all the income safely in escrow until the courts here and in Turkey have decided the merits of the ongoing litigations.”

Mustafa Oz, Dr. Oz’s father, was born in Turkey. He was an immigrant to the United States back in 1955 and studied hard until he earned the right to be a widely-respected physician. Dr. Oz is the eldest of Mustafa’s three children.

When Mustafa died last year at the age of 93, Dr. Oz wrote a heartfelt tribute to his dad on social media.

“I fell in love with medicine after witnessing my dad do sometimes painful procedures on desperately sick patients who subsequently thanked him for saving their lives,” Dr. Oz wrote on Instagram.

Although Dr. Oz is worth about $100,000,000, he seems to be squeezing his sister out of a few thousand dollars every month.

What do you think about the latest legal troubles surrounding the famous Dr. Oz?