“Carrie” star and voice actor Samantha Weinstein has died at 28 years old, per Entertainment Tonight. Those close to the Canadian actor announced her tragic death after a long bout with cancer on Weinstein’s Instagram. They shared, “Sam died on May 14th at 11:25am surrounded by her loved ones at Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto. After two and a half years of cancer treatment, and a lifetime of jet setting around the world, voicing a plethora of cartoon animals, making music, and knowing more about life than most people ever will, she is off on her next adventure.”
Weinstein first announced her diagnosis in 2020 at the age of 25 when she discovered she had ovarian cancer, per Love What Matters. The “Carrie” star recalled the excruciating pain she was in after having surgery. She said, ” I was so pale and rail thin. It took me weeks to sit up on my own and walk without a cane. I’d never dealt with chronic pain before, or needed to rely on hardcore pain meds.” Still, even amidst the most difficult times, the actor always tried to look on the bright side. She shared, “Getting cancer is the worst thing that’s ever happened to me, but in the strangest of ways it has also been the best thing … I have more love in my life and for myself than I ever could have imagined, and I see every day as a gift.”
Samantha married the love of her life after cancer diagnosis
Samantha Weinstein may have been diagnosed with cancer, but that didn’t stop her from falling in love. Just weeks after discovering her diagnosis, Michael Knutson walked into Weinstein’s life unexpectedly. She revealed to Love What Matters that Knutson messaged her randomly and instantly the two connected. Although the “Carrie” actor was nervous to tell Knutson about her ovarian cancer, she had nothing to worry about. She shared, “I told him I’d been diagnosed with a rare ovarian germ-cell yolk sac tumor, and I’d be starting chemotherapy in just a few months. I held my breath, squeezed my eyes shut, and waited for the inevitable rejection… but it never came.” Not only did the rejection never come, but their love bloomed.
Just two years after the couple first connected, they tied the knot. The Canadian actor shared a sweet photo on their wedding night, captioning it, “The best day of my life. On Oct 29th 2022 I married my best friend, my partner in crime and the love of my life, Michael Knutson. Here’s just a snapshot of the most beautiful day to ever be.” Although the couple tied the knot in 2022, they held off on their honeymoon until early May 2023, when they jet-setted off to Japan, per Instagram. The two enjoyed the trip just weeks before Weinstein tragically died, but no matter what, she and Knutson’s love will continue to live on.