Dominique Montgomery, a 22-year-old from California, once weighed around 290 pounds. Her life took a dramatic turn after a near-drowning incident two years ago, which she attributes to her weight.
While swimming in the ocean, Dominique found herself unable to escape the high tide due to her extra weight, while her friends managed to get to safety.

“I thought I was going to drown. I was terrified and didn’t know what to do. Luckily, the tide receded, and the water slowly went down,” Dominique recalled.
Before this incident, Dominique had never been overly concerned about her weight. She often indulged in large portions of food, like burritos, and frequently felt hungry.
By age 19, Dominique had reached 265 pounds and was no longer addressing her weight issues. The beach incident, however, prompted her to make a significant lifestyle change.
“If I can’t even get out of the water, what am I doing with my life?” she said. The experience left her feeling deeply disappointed and ashamed, making her realize how unhealthy she was.

Determined to change, Dominique started walking more, began running regularly, and adjusted her eating habits. Over the course of a year and a half, she successfully lost 140 pounds through a combination of exercise and improved nutrition.
However, she now faces the challenge of excess skin, particularly on her stomach. Dominique is currently saving for surgery to remove the excess skin.

“I’ve lost 140 pounds! I now have new goals and want to emphasize the importance of addressing weight issues and maintaining a healthy lifestyle,” Dominique shared on Instagram.