When a stranger observed how pleased this family was after getting ice cream, she volunteered to take them a photo.

You never know when a kind act you perform for a total stranger without giving it any thought could develop into something extraordinarily powerful without your knowledge.

After her tennis practice, Joyce Rhinehart brought her nephew for ice cream. As they were leaving, they observed a wonderful family having ice cream together. They consented when the woman requested them to pose for a picture because she suddenly had an odd urge to do so.

In her Facebook post, Joyce stated the following: “I took this image and then gave their kid my phone, telling her to email it to one of their phones.”

After their brief but pleasant meeting, Joyce was shocked to get a phone message from an unknown number a few days later. As she read the message after checking it, she got chills down her spine.

“Dear lady, on June 8th, you captured a photo of us in front of an ice cream shop. This is the last picture of my family as a whole that we have because my wife passed away yesterday. Please accept my sincere thanks for your thoughtful action. It means everything to me. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.”

Joyce kept in touch with the man after receiving this message, which just left her shaken, and learned that the woman had been ill for a year. ” It’s amazing that I gave them this gift that now means everything to them, just because I listened to my instinct and intuition that day,” Joyce said in her post.

“Never underestimate a beautiful gesture you make at random, apparently out of a whim of the moment, my heart is now heavy because it is with this cute family that I don’t even know,” she wrote. I’m in awe!