Nicky Newman, known online as NickNackLou, had a profound influence on social media, always urging individuals to “go grab life” and regularly reminding them to “check your tattas.” This messaging amassed her a massive audience, with almost 250,000 followers.
However, a sorrowful turn of events occurred when Nicky passed away merely 10 days after announcing her decision to halt her treatment.
In a heartrending message she left behind for her family to share, she wrote, “If you’re reading this it means I have died. I made it 5 & half years, which is quite impressive for someone with stage 4 breast cancer. I didn’t battle and lose; rather, the cancer advanced, and we were all aware this might occur. We sometimes think we’re invincible and expect a miraculous solution. However, we must cherish every moment and never take our time for granted.”
Nicky further emphasized the love she felt for her “Instagramily,” thanked them for their unwavering support, and promised them more to come that would continue her legacy.
Years prior, while undergoing fertility treatment, Nicky first became aware of her illness. She observed changes in her breast and experienced severe back pain. Sadly, within a short span, she miscarried and received a diagnosis of terminal metastatic breast cancer.
Nicky had since then vocally stressed the importance of celebrating life. She worked collaboratively with several businesses and charities, including Lounge underwear, Women’s Best, and Boho Betty, from which a portion of the jewelry sales went to her selected charity, Future Dreams. A lightning bolt tattoo became symbolic for her followers, representing seizing life.
Over the past year, Nicky witnessed her sister’s wedding, ventured to Tenerife and Finland, and visited Disneyland, which she fondly referred to as her ‘second home.’
Tributes from various quarters have started flowing in. One notable mention came from Lauren Mahon, co-host of the ‘You Me and the Big C’ podcast, who wrote a touching message celebrating Nicky’s radiant energy. Nicky, with her vivacity, will forever be missed.
Rest in peace, Nicky.