Brittney Griner was seen in a video for the first time in Russia.

Brittney Griner, a 32-year-old WNBA player who was released from a Russian prison on December 8, was on camera returning to American custody. For her trip home, the athlete opted for a red flannel zip-up jacket and a gray beanie.

Notably, she had a new hairstyle now that her long dreadlocks were gone. She gave a straightforward “happy” response when asked how she was feeling and smiled broadly.

In the footage made public by Russian state media, Brittney is also seen being asked off-camera if she is “ready” to fly, to which she responds, “Yes.”

During the prisoner exchange between the two countries, the 32-year-old also encountered 55-year-old Russian arms trader Viktor Bout while traveling back to the United States (watch VIDEO HERE).

On the tarmac of the UAE airport, the two passed each other while they were walking. Brittney walked away to greet others as Viktor was seen shaking a few people’s hands and even appeared to nod at her.

At the airport, Viktor approached the group of men with just one other man by his side while Brittney was surrounded by numerous men in suits. The 55-year-old was seen walking alongside the Texan while toting a manila envelope. Brittney’s two duffle bags were handed over to the men who were accompanying her so that they could travel back to the United States with her.

After being caught by Russian authorities for having hashish oil at the airport, Brittney and Viktor were exchanged for prisoners about 10 months ago, according to The New York Times.

The Olympic gold winner was detained on February 17 and was found guilty of “large-scale trafficking of drugs” and “deliberately importing cannabis-infused vape cartridges into Russia despite their being banned” on August 4.

Brittney appealed her nine-year Russian prison term after being found guilty. However, the Russian courts turned down her appeal on October 25. At the time of the denial, her attorneys spoke to The New York Times on her behalf.

They stated, “We typically believe that we must employ all of the legal options available, especially given the harsh and extraordinary character of her judgment.”

She was eventually scheduled to fly home on December 8 after reportedly working on the prisoner exchange with President Joe Biden since July. I just spoke with Brittney Griner. She’s secure. She’s in the air. She is on her way home,” Biden tweeted along with images of him and Cherelle Griner, Brittney’s wife.