De Blasio and Wife Reveal They Will Date Other People While Separated and Sharing Home

Former New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) and his wife revealed they will be seeing other people and separating, while also sharing the same home.

De Blasio and his wife Chirlane McCray revealed in an interview with The New York Times the decision to separate and see other people came two months ago during “another stale Saturday night of binge-watching television” and after a heart-to-heart conversation.

“You can’t fake it,” said McCray during the interview regarding their marriage.

They have been married since May 4, 1994.

“I just want to have fun,” McCray said during the interview, clarifying that she hadn’t meant that they hadn’t “had fun” in their marriage.

While the couple will be separating, “they are not planning to divorce” de Blasio and McCray informed the outlet, adding they will be dating other people.

“They will continue to share the Park Slope townhouse where they raised their two children, now in their 20s,” the article said about the couple.

Although McCray, 68, and de Blasio, 62 claimed the decision came during a heart-to-heart conversation in which de Blasio wanted to know why their marriage wasn’t “lovey-dovey anymore,” the couple later admitted that the marriage had started to crumble years earlier. The COVID pandemic and de Blasio’s 2020 presidential run were used as examples of having affected the marriage.

The COVID pandemic had made him “emotionally very need” and as a result, the couple was “not as connected,” de Blasio explained during the interview.

De Blasio, who met McCray when she identified as a lesbian, admitted there had been a part of him that wondered if their marriage was a “bomb ticking.”

Since leaving office, de Blasio was issued a fine in June for almost $475,000 after he used city funds for his failed 2020 presidential campaign bid, according to Fox News.

Of the total owed, $319,794.20 comes from money de Blasio must repay the city for travel expenses, and $155,000 is an additional fee de Blasio must pay for bringing his security detail with him during his campaign for president.