Despite his tough childhood, this boy became a famous country music star and here is how he looks today…

Renowned country music sensation Keith Urban recently delved into his challenging upbringing in a candid interview, shedding light on a childhood marked by frequent relocations and a lack of familial warmth.

Despite his well-behaved demeanor as a child, Urban’s early years were overshadowed by his father’s struggle with alcoholism, depriving him of the nurturing home environment he longed for.

In a heartfelt conversation about his life journey, Urban shared insights into the profound impact of his nomadic upbringing, expressing a desire for a more stable and intimate family setting.

He recounted the emotional distance from his father, who, while not abusive, seldom conveyed love or approval, instead focusing on criticism.

As he matured, Urban observed his father’s fading memories of those disciplinary times, suggesting a genuine forgetfulness about the past.

Now at 55, Urban has undergone a significant transformation, finding love and stability in his marriage to acclaimed actress Nicole Kidman, 56, and embracing fatherhood with unwavering dedication.

The couple, who first met at a gathering celebrating Australians in the US back in 2005, initially settled on a farm during their inaugural year of marriage.

Determined to break free from the cycle of his upbringing, Urban is now a devoted father to their two daughters, Sunday and Faith Kidman-Urban, on their picturesque Nashville ranch.

Urban finds immense fulfillment in parenting, particularly relishing his role as a father to daughters, an entirely new experience for him having grown up without sisters.

He emphasizes how his children serve as the cornerstone of his life, though he and Kidman deliberately shield them from the public eye to preserve a sense of normalcy.

Reflecting on his parents’ relocation to Australia when he was just two years old, Urban now acknowledges the challenges they faced in building a new life from scratch in a foreign land with limited resources.

Through resilience and love, Urban has forged a gratifying existence, cherishing his role as a husband and father, and ensuring his family experiences the stability and affection he yearned for as a child.