A tragic incident occurred on Friday when a New York firefighter lost his life while attempting to save his daughter from drowning at Sylvania Avenue Beach in Avon, New Jersey. The firefighter, Mark Batista, had served with the Fire Department of New York (FDNY) for 15 years and was a member of Engine Company 226 in Brooklyn.
According to authorities, the incident unfolded at around 8:35 a.m. when the police received a report about two swimmers in distress. Upon arriving at the scene, officers and the water rescue team immediately entered the water to search for the victims. After ten minutes, they managed to rescue a female juvenile who was in distress. She was promptly taken to the hospital, and it was reported that she was expected to recover.
Tragically, at around 10 a.m., the second victim was found submerged in the water. This victim was identified as Mark Batista, a 39-year-old resident of Teaneck, New Jersey. Lifesaving efforts were initiated on the shore before Batista was transported to Jersey Shore University Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead.
The FDNY released a statement expressing their profound sorrow over Batista’s death. They described him as a dedicated public servant who had served as both an emergency medical technician (EMT) and a firefighter during his tenure. The FDNY extended their condolences to Batista’s family and joined them in mourning his tragic passing.
Notably, Sylvania Avenue Beach had no lifeguards on duty at the time of the incident, as indicated by a sign on the boardwalk. Despite the absence of lifeguards, the risk of rip currents was reported to be low that morning, according to Sarah Johnson, a meteorologist from the National Weather Service.
The loss of Mark Batista has deeply impacted the firefighting community and serves as a reminder of the dangers they face in the line of duty. Batista’s selfless act to save his daughter highlights his bravery and commitment to protecting others, even at the cost of his own life.
This tragic incident underscores the importance of water safety and the need for vigilance, even in seemingly low-risk conditions. The FDNY and the broader community are left mourning the loss of a dedicated firefighter who dedicated his life to serving and protecting others.