Jase and Missy Robertson have continued to share their family with the world after their reality show, Duck Dynasty, ended. They often provide updates on their youngest child, daughter Mia, who was born with a cleft lip and palate.
Mia, who is now 17 years old, has undergone a number of surgeries because of her condition. On Wednesday (March 17), she underwent what Missy described as “the most extensive surgery she’s ever had.”
In 2014, ten-year-old Mia approached her parents and asked how they could help other children with cleft lips and palates. So they established the nonprofit organization the Mia Moo Fund for that exact purpose.
A January 31 post on the Mia Moo Instagram details what Mia’s most recent surgery involved. Both her upper and lower jaws had to be broken on each side so they could “meet in the middle.”
“Since Mia’s upper jaw stopped growing some years ago, this surgery is in hopes that her teeth and jaws will function normally in terms of chewing and speaking,” the post read. “She will also look very different once she is healed.”
The day before Mia’s big surgery, Missy and Jase reached out to their followers and asked them to keep her in their prayers.
“Thank YOU for always supporting our family and praying for Mia’s health and success. We are truly blessed by so many who love her,” Missy wrote. She said Mia’s surgery was scheduled to start at 10:30 AM and was supposed to take about five hours.
Both Missy and Jase were fortunately able to be in the hospital with Mia on the day of her surgery. While Missy has remained quiet on social media since March 16, Jase has shared a couple updates on Mia and how she’s doing.
In an initial post, Jase said Mia’s surgery began a little later than planned, at 11:45 AM. He said Mia didn’t show any fear when going into surgery, and that she was telling the doctors and nurses funny stories. Jase also reiterated what Missy said previously, that Mia’s surgery would “take a long while.”
Later, Jase signed on with another update…and it contains good news!
Jase said that Mia is doing well after surgery, which ended up lasting six hours. “We got to see Mia and, true to form, she is hanging tough after a 6 hour surgery,” he wrote alongside a photo of him and Missy visiting with Mia before she underwent her surgery.
Mia is now resting in the ICU “as planned.” Jase said the doctors “feel ‘really good about the procedure,’” which is encouraging to hear.
He closed his post by thanking all of his followers for keeping Mia in their prayers. “As believers we sense God’s presence and know His power is at work!” he said.
You can read Jase’s complete update on Mia’s surgery below. We’ll continue praying for her as she recovers!