The beloved actor Bill Murray has fans in tears

Murray nearly committed suicide when he was a young comedian. The celebrity discussed his early years as a comedian performing in Chicago in an interview from 2014 that has lately gone viral.

He claimed that he “wasn’t very good” and had little “want to stay alive” when he initially started.

“I recall my first performance on stage; I was so terrible that I simply stepped out onto the street and began walking.

After a few hours of walking, he realized that he had gone in the wrong direction, not just in terms of where he was going to reside but also in terms of his desire to survive.

The actor made his way to Lake Michigan one day to commit suicide.

If I’m going to pass away, I might drift around for a while,” he remarked.

However, the suicidal comedian never took his own life.

Murray was heading to the lake when he came across the Art Institute of Chicago and felt drawn to go inside.

He claimed he entered “because I was prepared to die.”

A peasant woman in a field with a stunning orange sunrise in the background was shown in the 1884 picture “The Song of the Lark,” which astounded the viewer.

He stated in the interview years after the incident, “I’ve always admired this artwork.

I remember seeing that day and thinking, “Well, there’s a girl who doesn’t have many chances, but the sun is coming up anyhow, so she’s got another go at it.

I believe that gave me the impression that I am a person and have a second opportunity every morning when the sun rises.

Murray has been upfront about having depressive symptoms throughout his life.

He claimed in a Washington Post article about his thoughts following a breakup: “No one could make me smile, no one could make me glad in any way. For a good long time, I was a really, really unfortunate character.

The Samaritan’s most recent statistics show that there will be 4912 suicides in 2020.

According to the Movember foundation, men commit suicide at a rate of three out of every four in the UK.

The Samaritans helpline, 116 123, as well as other helplines listed on the NHS website, are open 24 hours a day for instant assistance and support for anyone experiencing suicide thoughts.

The most important deciding factors for suicidal ideation, notwithstanding the complexity of the causes, include mental health issues like depression.

According to the NHS website, the signs and symptoms of depression include:

having no hope and being powerless
lacking self-confidence, crying, and feeling guilty
Feeling irritated and impatient of others, lacking motivation or interest in activities, having trouble making decisions, not enjoying life, being concerned or worried, and having suicide or self-harming ideas.
Additionally, there are several physical symptoms, including as fatigue, decreased sex desire, constipation, changes in your menstrual cycle, poor sleep, and eating changes.