Wendy Williams Opens Up About Her Health Struggles in New Documentary

It has been a while since the public has received any updates on the health of talk show host Wendy Williams. But now, in a new documentary called Where Is Wendy Williams?, Wendy herself and those closest to her are shedding light on the health issues that have impacted her life in significant ways. The documentary reveals heartbreaking details about Wendy’s battle with Graves’ disease, alcohol addiction, and other health struggles.Hearts Break for Wendy Williams as New Documentary Reveals She's Not Doing Well

The trailer for the documentary, released by Lifetime, shows Wendy’s family sharing their concerns about her well-being. There are video clips of Wendy struggling to stand and walk, and she is heard saying, “I have no money. If it can happen to me, it can happen to you.” Her family speaks about her court-appointed guardian who took Wendy away from them, highlighting their worries about her vulnerability and the people surrounding her.

Wendy’s son expresses his concern for his mother, stating that she needs to be around people who won’t take advantage of her weakness. The family has grown wary of the “yes men” around Wendy and even worries that she may be losing her memory. They emphasize that there is more going on with Wendy than meets the eye.Hearts Break for Wendy Williams as New Documentary Reveals She's Not Doing Well

Back in 2022, Wendy Williams took a break from her self-named talk show due to health issues. She decided to prioritize her own well-being for the remainder of the season, leaving the show in need of a new cohost. According to a source, The Wendy Williams Show has been in talks with Sherri Shepherd, a familiar face in daytime television who has previously guest-hosted the show.Hearts Break for Wendy Williams as New Documentary Reveals She's Not Doing Well

Over the past few months, guest hosts have been filling in for Wendy as she focuses on her health. And now, it is reported that Sherri Shepherd may become a regular host until Wendy recovers. While Sherri Shepherd’s representative didn’t comment on the rumors, it has been confirmed that she will be guest-hosting the show from February 21 through February 25. Ultimately, Sherri Shepherd stepped into the role full time.Hearts Break for Wendy Williams as New Documentary Reveals She's Not Doing Well

Wendy has been open about her battle with Graves’ disease, which caused her to faint during the filming of her talk show in 2017. Graves’ disease is an autoimmune disorder characterized by an overactive thyroid. Wendy’s struggle with health issues has been ongoing, leading to canceled public appearances and time away from work. While her breakthrough COVID case is no longer an issue, she is still dealing with other medical concerns.Hearts Break for Wendy Williams as New Documentary Reveals She's Not Doing Well

As for the reports of Sherri Shepherd taking over as cohost, Wendy has not made a statement regarding this decision. Her focus remains on her health and recovery. The Wendy Williams Show continues, with Sherri Shepherd bringing her own unique flair to the hosting role.