Woman Trolled Online For The Size Of Her Leg, Has Perfect Comeback For The Haters

Mahogany Geter, a 23-year-old model from Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, has become an inspiration for many as she embraces her life with lymphedema, a challenging condition that causes excess fluid to collect in the soft tissues of the body, resulting in significant swelling in her left leg.

Despite facing bullying and cruel comments throughout her life, Mahogany has chosen to rise above it and prove that beauty isn’t confined to appearances alone.

Trolls have subjected Mahogany to hateful remarks, even suggesting she amputate her leg to look better. She’s been called “deformed” and compared to a “ham roll,” but these comments haven’t deterred her. She has chosen to focus on her inner strength and beauty, emphasizing that her physical appearance doesn’t define her.

The journey hasn’t been easy, as the bullying began in her childhood and severely affected her self-confidence. However, as she grew older, Mahogany began to accept herself and receive support from both her mother and the online lymphedema community. This support has enabled her to embrace her uniqueness and inspire others to do the same.

Mahogany is now a fashion model who proudly showcases her disability in empowering photoshoots on Instagram, as well as on her YouTube channel and TikTok. She has received an outpouring of support online, and the positivity has become a powerful force in her life. Mahogany is committed to sharing her journey and making people feel less alone, encouraging self-acceptance.

Her condition, lymphedema, was diagnosed shortly after birth, and her mother, Timika Geter, has been a pillar of strength throughout their journey together. This condition has no cure, and the excess fluid buildup in Mahogany’s leg requires physiotherapy and lymphatic drainage massage for relief.

At its largest, her leg added 100 pounds to her body weight, which currently stands at 300 pounds. Despite the challenges she faces, Mahogany is determined to celebrate herself and inspire others to embrace their differences.

She manages her condition with regular massage, compression dressings, physiotherapy, and a healthy diet. Additionally, she stays hydrated and avoids salty foods and alcohol.

Unfortunately, she occasionally suffers from painful cellulitis flare-ups, requiring hospitalization for treatment with antibiotics.

Mahogany remains resilient, sharing her experiences on social media while pursuing her dream of becoming a model. She believes that she leads a normal life and maintains a positive outlook, focusing on her aspirations.

She hopes to raise awareness about lymphedema and continue inspiring others while giving back to the kind souls who have supported her along the way.

Her dream includes buying her mother a house and taking care of her family, all while shedding light on lymphedema for a brighter future.